Far too safe and familiar to be an interesting remake, though it may be occasionally fun. Compared to RE2make it may even be a bad one. RE4make is boringly slavish to the original game while lacking all of its style. And it's clear now, though everyone could see it coming since the rumors that they were remaking this first emerged, but this was not the RE franchises' RE4 moment for the 2020s--it is RE2make that will be remembered as a watershed moment for popular horror games.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2023


1 year ago

I love this game but I do agree a lot, this definitely won’t have as big of an impact as the original and I think that is one of the issues I have, RE2 and 3 were starting to become janky in all honesty (still great games) while the original still holds up very well

7 months ago

oh wow that's an unpopular opinion