Even though this game simply oozes with love, it still looks and plays like a good amateur-ish mod, not a full release worth of its money. The gameplay is somewhat worse than the original, general production values are approximately on a level of a mid-to-low-budget game from 2007, and overall jankiness is so persistent it can't be ignored. Total neglect for stuff from Blue Shift and Opposing Force is also noteworthy, not to mention the screwed-up visual design, like Xen being turned into your average alien jungle, or modern-day marines in what's supposed to be an alternative 1990s setting.
Black Mesa isn't worth its price and most of the good things it has are remnants from the original game.
In conclusion, it's a nice try, but still a lot worse than the OG Half-Life, which aged like a fine wine and didn't need a remake in the first place.

Lackluster in any way possible, a fine example of a contemporary soulless AAA experience that blows all of its budget on visual flair, but completely forgets about engaging... anything, really.
But what bothers me the most is the fact that almost all the aspects of cooperative and multiplayer modes are so damn half-baked and buggy.

A fun alternative history FPS with an emphasis on large open maps, vehicles and semi-sandbox objectives that falls short due to somewhat lacking execution and occasional bizarre design choices.
Most of this game's problems come from its lack of polish, and it could have been a great little gem that was way ahead of its time, but sadly, I can't see Codename Eagle as anything other than a novelty. An interesting and really creative novelty, but a novelty nonetheless.

One of the most uninspired and forgettable games I've ever played. In fact, it's so uninspired, I can barely think of anything else to write here.

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This is a game about a medieval civilization of quazi-pre-Islamic middle-eastern tribes who's based their entire society on salvaging malfunctioning automatons built as a part of an ancient interdimensional AI mainframe's attempt to repel an invasion of polymorphous non-humanoid aliens from another universe.
If this premise alone didn't sell you on this game already, I don't know what will.