3 reviews liked by vrr0410



discord kitten simulator /j
no honestly a MUST PLAY otome. for xyx at least.

WHAT THE FUCK THIS GAME IS ON HEREEE?!??! okay, genuinely love this game so much. the chat-based interface is so fun and i wouldve been fine with just that, but the video calls?! SOOOO cool. i loved all the characters, main and side. the love interests are very human and relatable, which makes the good endings so so enjoyable (and the bad endings so SOUL CRUSHING). bloomic has a special place in my heart because i LOVE the free romance visual novels on itchio, and it felt like i hadnt found one i could get really into for a good while. one of the things i really enjoyed was the choices; i feel like with a lot of other visual novels i played, it was pretty obvious which choice would get you to the good end and which would get you to the bad end. in bloomic, it felt like i had to have a real understanding of the characters to know how to handle their situations. ive had this instinct to react a certain way, but its just not realistic to expect the same response to have the same effect on different people. anyway my weekly "thank you" to mike young for voicing xyx God bless