Starting my Backloggd with my 4-5th play-through (haven’t yet finished any of them). This is a complicated one. Really dug the first Pathfinder game but did not finish on account of bugs. Wrath shows a nice evolution in many aspects although I prefer the story and tone from the first. Never really connected with the whole demon centered theme but it has been slowly growing on me.

Notes for now:
- one of the best CRPGs available.
- impressive choices and consequences.
- very in depth character customization.
- good story. Nice characters.
Not so good:
- inconsistency in presentation: some parts are really impressive, with good animation and voice acting, while other parts fell unfinished and lacking.
- setting segregates some choices in character creation, prioritizing ones specialized in dealing with demons.

A game I can criticize for hours and play for years. Immortal Empires is a beast of a mode, packing so much content of really high quality, and yet, so much can and should be done to improve the overall experience (Some mods already do the job). That said, play it, It's amazing.

An under-ratted game. Poor launch and support. Really good in its present state. Can become great in the future. Have my hopes up.

My favorite looking and playing CRPG. Can't say it's my favorite overall since it kinda loses me around the 30hr mark. Gonna trudge through this time. I promise.