Having always heard good things about the Metro series, I decided to begin my journey with the series. Metro 2033 shows a great foundation for the series, but unfortunately, it doesn't evolve much higher from that. The atmosphere that 2033 is able to pull off is amazing, and the graphical fidelity of the game is outstanding at points. Everything else just feels a tad clunky. The shooting is satisfying enough but not amazing, the movement can be a bit janky, knowing where to go can get confusing at times and the amount of stuff you need to worry about (battery charge, gas mask and filter, pneumatic pressure, lighting cobwebs) is a bit overbearing. There is a charm with these Ukrainian games that shines through in both Metro and Stalker, and I am looking forward to Last Light as I've heard it vastly improves upon the base 2033 establishes.

Also having multiple endings locked behind stupid ass "morality" points that are practically never introduced is stupid lol

Reviewed on May 26, 2022
