Yakuza 0 2015

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 2, 2023

Platforms Played


Oooh. This game is goood. It tells one of the best stories ever told in the medium of video games with amazingly developed characters, fantastic tension and an overall very well written narrative. Now, the game does get in a habit of not developing some characters a whole lot and then just dumping all the character development in one scene when I feel it would be far better to spread it out more throughout the story. The pacing also gets a bit weird at some of the character switches which is not a huge deal but at times it's mildly annoying. It also starts off with a bit too much filler and the first few chapters feel a bit drawn out.

The Yakuza games really know how to do open worlds and Yakuza 0 is no different. The world is small but jam packed with fun side content, whether that be hilarious and well written substories or karaoke. The game blends the tones of the main story's serious crime drama with the side content's ridicilous comedy so well and it never feels out of place. In what other game can you shoot a music video for Michael Jackson with Steven Spielberg? No other game. There's a character called Mr. Libido.

Unfortunately though, I do feel that the combat is one of the weakest aspects of the game, especially when playing as Kiryu. It just feels pretty button mashy and his styles are in no way designed well for the massive brawls that you get into later in the game and there's no reliable way to avoid damage while also dealing damage. This is better with Majima as his fighting styles feel a lot less stiff and are just all around better suited for fighting a lot of enemies. You have the breakdancing style that lets you spin around on the floor, the thug style that's decently fast, has two consecutive dodges and amazing heat actions and he has the slugger style that gives him a bat that's really fun to use.

I'm really excited to play more Yakuza games and despite this game's flaws that did get a bit annoying at times I still think it's one of the best game ever made. Well done RGG.

I've realised that my reviews often come across as more negative than they actually are but that's just because I feel more compelled to explain why I don't like aspects of a game than explain why I like aspects of a game.