I can't say I was super interested in playing this game, but I had heard some very good things about it and it was on NSO. Thought it would be fun to just give it a try and run through it right quick.
And right quick, I did. For the first few levels, I went in with the intention of collecting everything, red coins, flowers, stars, all that. Once I started running around a bit more, I realized that that's... kinda boring? I stopped paying attention to all the collectibles scattered across the stage, and I honestly think I had more fun that way.
Easily my favorite thing about Yoshi's Island is the movement. Levels are designed in a way that feels like they want you to pull some crazy shit and run. I loved finding ways to flutter across giant gaps, or jumping off enemies to keep my air time up, and I think if I maybe liked the rest of this game enough, I could see myself l trying speedruns from time to time.
Unfortunately, I don't. The music is nice, the art is surprisingly pretty, but I can't give it much else. Again, I sped through this game because it was fast and fun, which made me feel like I was missing a lot of what it was actually supposed to be. I wasn't aiming for scores, I just wanted to see what cool tricks I could manage. And judging by the few levels that I did try to actually complete at the start, I don't imagine I'll be going back for any of them.

Good 7/10, cool speed game.

Reviewed on Oct 01, 2023

1 Comment

Well at least you liked it