Celeste is definitely up there on my list of "games that I wish I could play for the first time again." Especially now, with all the time I've spent learning the ins and outs of the game's mechanics, practicing whatever trick I can that could potentially save time in future speedruns, there's always a weird mix of feeling too slow, yet at the same time too fast during casual runs like this one.

I love Celeste for absolutely everything it does. The entire game encourages patience, exploration, and, once you've got the mastery down enough, speed. Celeste is a game all about learning, in the game sense as well as a story sense. Every chapter introduces a modicum of new challenges that take no time to figure out, but always leave room for experimentation. For those who want more out of something, and are willing to find it, they will. This is truly what I believe to be 2D platforming at its peak. lol. For those more focused on exploring the levels instead of speeding past them with such tricks, there are rewards for that as well. Strawberries are placed in almost every room, each one functioning almost as a puzzle, testing what you know and sometimes throwing a twist in it to see if you can figure out what's necessary. Outside of those, you can also find crystal hearts and cassette tapes that will unlock various extra stages for you. Any playstyle is rewarded, and every playstyle is just as satisfying.

The soundtrack also does a fantastic job in laying out the atmosphere of each chapter. There's a track for any situation in here, whether that be somber moods, a more explorative and curious sound, to something more triumphant like in chapter 7. The B/C-Sides take all of these tracks and remix them to a more upbeat vibe, pumping you up for the challenge you've set ahead for yourself. It knows what it needs to be at all times, just damn marvelous.

I could not begin to do the story justice with my own words. It sucks to say, given that it's something I don't have too much trouble resonating with. I always have trouble pinpointing my exact thoughts and writing them down, especially when I see myself in them somewhere. The best I feel I can say is, Celeste, in its entirety, is a once in a lifetime experience. One that's always nice to think back on. A learning experience that helped me figure out just a few things I needed to as well. And forever one of my favorite games of all time.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2023
