When it hits, it hits pretty hard (Rockers, DJ School, Space Soccer) but a majority of the time, it absolutely does not.
Certain vocal rhythm games are terribly hindered by the practically soulless and unenthusiastic english voices (Fan Club especially), and unfortunately this was before they allowed you to change that in any of the extra menus.
Touch screen controls are fine on some games, not so much on others, Rhythm Rally 2's quick sections were a pain to get through, Love Lizards counting an extra hit whenever I'm trying not to, I just have a lot of issues with the way this game feels and sounds, possibly the last thing you would ever want to hear about a rhythm game.

i also now have something to blame for the existence of lockstep i hate lockstep grr
4/10 for those few games I very much enjoyed, Remix 9 and 10 were pretty fun, too.

Reviewed on Mar 13, 2023
