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There was definitely a question on everyone’s mind when this game released…how did that shitty Indiana jones/tomb raider style game get a sequel? And even better…the sequel is better than the original.

After finding el dorado in the original game, Nathan drake is now on the hunt for the mysterious and legendary Shambhala! Ok his journey he meets Chloe Frazer, an old friend Harry Flynn, and the dangerous Zoran (I don’t want to spell his last name cause I know I’ll spell it wrong :/) and he is joined by Elena and sully. The journey takes him completely through Marco polo’s voyage and tests him to his very limits.

Especially the beginning, that is one of the most impressive moments of the entire series.

The gameplay is a major improvement from what it was in drake’s fortune. The gun combat is a lot better and improved, and climbing feels a lot more fluid. Puzzles also feel a lot more complex and challenging (but still not too challenging and probably a lot more interesting).

I’m really not looking forward to getting onto the third game and reviewing it but I may as well get it out of the way soon. Overall though this is a wonderful improvement to what the first game was. And in all honesty, I wish the third game could’ve perfected this game’s formula but alas…

Huge improvement, brilliant gameplay, excellent story, I fucking hate tanks