Very cute game, 2.6h to 100%. Lots of walking or rowing back and forth to give people things.

Fun and immersive + atmospheric game, but not without its faults. If I had to give a very overly generalized comparison I'd say its an indie combo of STALKER and Fallout 4, with the good and bad of both included.

The game's pacing in the first half is good, but before the last quarter-ish of the game I had nearly all the materials necessary which trivialized the base building aspect. On normal, I started playing with stealth in mind but you end up steamrolling enemies with all the upgrades and then you're just running through missions to get it completed.

The story snippets get tedious and nearly frustrating in some regard, I did end up skipping through a good chunk of the more narrative-heavy missions near the end. The overarching story is fun though and I like overall how they incorporated progression into your exploration. Missions are segmented into individual levels that you'll return to over time instead of a single open-world experience.

The morality system is...fine...once you realize it's kind of useless I didn't really care about my decisions other than how it might change my companion's standing with me and possible future choices.

You'll likely 100% the game / achievements in a regular playthrough if you do all the missions correctly (I messed up one mission and only realized it at the end, didn't bother to go back to the middle of the game to get it).

The game is somewhat crashy too, to the point was when I went to leave this review I was surprised it wasn't in Early Access lol. The save system is adequate though and I didn't run into the issues I saw in some other reviews.

If the game was any more padded out before reaching the end I'd probably be leaving a negative review. But at a little over 20 hours it didn't overstay its welcome too much. I got this on sale for $15 and it was definitely a steal, knowing what I know now I would've been fine paying the full $30.

My recommendation: if you like the setting and want a STALKER-lite (badum tsh) experience, its worth your money. Just know you might need to push through to get to the end. I definitely see myself replaying this in the future on a higher difficulty.