I friggin hate that this is a south park game. If it was a game of some beloved show that wasn't a vehicle for centrist reactionism at best, or for honest to god bigotry at worst, it would be a really good game!
It's a really well put together game, and I hate that. I hate its attention to detail, subversion of popular videogame tropes, references to pop culture, and its fleshed out, authentic open ended setting. And the whole game really does feel like an episode of the show! Unfortunately,...it feels like an episode of the show. It's packed in every -ism or -phobia that it can get its hands on. the antisemitism happens right out the gate, and its par for the course start to finish. I sold my copy to gamestop for like 75 cents, because that's what it's worth to me.

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2022
