This collection was the first time I was able to properly play Sunshine. I grew up on platformers with much tighter controls, and Sunshine felt floaty and imprecise compared to them. Actual sunshine fans tell me that it's an abysmal remaster, but all I know is that I couldn't play it before, and now I can because the controls feel responsive and Mario can turn on a dime.
And now that I could actually play it, I would say it's a strong contender for best Mario game. the vibes are off the charts, the level design is amazing, the water gimmicks are well done, this entire game is a joy to play. It's beautiful t'boot.

Not too different from the original Galaxy, but that just speaks to its quality to begin with. It has a beautiful orchestral soundtrack that sets it apart from the rest, many varied and interesting levels, and stunning environments.

Reviewed on Sep 09, 2022
