This is a very bad Ace Attorney game that's loops back around to being very funny for me. There's a massive loss in tone, style, and character identity that is felt with the lack of Shu Takumi on staff, but the breeziness of the trials and the sheer amount of anime bullshit they cram in here won me over. I hate how streamlined investigations are and it's sad that most of Apollo Justice is basically scrapped, but they added a ESPer Scrappy-doo girl, turned Apollo into a Yamato reference somehow, and threw in an evil version of Phoenix that lectures him about hope and despair. They very poorly try to copy-paste the slow Trials and Tribulations build up (again!), but I could not take this shit seriously if I tried and I seemed to have had a better time with it than most because of it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go eat the fuck out of the DLC where you defend an orca in court.

Reviewed on May 01, 2022
