Incredibly fun, super stylish, and may have helped me better understand the love for the back and slash genre. Combos feel satisfying to pull off even without being super complicated. Most of the challenge comes from performing the combos on beat to the music, which always feels amazing to do.

The writing and plot feels very much like a cartoon bumped up a bit for a slightly older audience by the including of a few more swear words than you might expect. It never reaches anything deep, and the humor was fairly hit-or-miss for me. But I liked the cast of characters, and the dialogue was always enjoyable to listen to.

Things near the end head in a heavy handed direction that I wasn’t a super big fan of, but that’s alright. This was still a really fun time, with a fantastic soundtrack that deserves to be played. I can see why some consider this to be their GOTY even if it probably isn’t mine. Absolutely worth playing.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2023
