I’ve tried playing this game twice based on countless high praise FNV regularly receives. The furthest I got was that town with the dino statue.

Fallout’s world is inherently interesting. The dialogue options in this game are excellent. The environments are dirty, dusty and immersive.

The world in regards to its design and moment to moment gameplay however, is hollow. The Mojave really is a wasteland, you have to travel across so much empty space for little reward. Gunplay is kinda shit and VATS don’t fully compensate, the system is flawed from the get-go. I couldn’t call this game “fun to play” with a straight face.

What frustrates me is that there is clearly something special here but I just can’t deal with the game’s shortcomings, perhaps it’s my mindset and I should totally role play as a character I make up and put into this game instead of a self-insert but……… surely not everyone who loves this game does that.

Will I ever try out this game again? There’s a small chance but I don’t want to put another 10 hours in for it to “get good”

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2022
