metal gear solid 2 ruined all other ps2 games.
my brain considers it a ps3 game because its so much better than every other ps2 game out there. so this game feels like it couldve been so much better now that ive seen the systems capabilities.

this game is janky & chaotic af but its funny & fun (usually) so whateverrrrr

ive gotten so many nightmares from this game of driving uncontrollably recklessly running people over lmao
the violence is absolutely deranged insane sick and twisted lmao but its fine because its a cartoon joke game.

i want a remaster of this AND ALSO have it include the original version of the game along with it because i want all art to be preserved (especially games which arent properly preserved enough)
but i dont think itll ever happen sadly :/

the camera gets stuck on nothing way too much

the coins from bees and crates should automatically go to you or not be spread out so much. Sometimes they clip behind walls and you lose coins by not seeing them its annoying.

the car/clothing selection should be a vertical list showing a large amount of car names with the preview picture, not just one name & preview at a time. its hard to find the car you want when you get so many of them and theyre sorted alphabetically but i could only remember them based on which level they were obtained in order so they felt too mixed up when you get them all.

i dont understand why apu of all characters is a playable one?
its weird playing a non-simpson then going back to bart and homer.
i wish lisa or marge replaced apu instead since homer & bart get used twice but not the ladies. Lame.

the multiplayer sucks. nobody wants top down racing wtf no??? fuck off.

i wish the different characters had different abilities and gameplay styles. why doesnt bart get a skateboard? it makes sense for homer & bart to be doing a grand theft auto chaos but why is lisa stealing cars & kicking people? i wish her & marge had gameplay that fits their characters better. i mean that wouldnt fit the game’s title & its just a racing/platforming game (and i love it) but still its weird and out of character for them.

the maps are fun to drive around but after the first 3 levels its kinda ran its course and just starts repeating the levels but with a higher difficulty and different time of day or the halloween theme but the collectables get repeated exactly the same and theres not really any new gameplay or even twists on the formula its just faster versions of races youve done before so thats lame.
i can forgive the staff because of time constraints in the production or whatever happened to cause this but still its repetitive to play as it goes on.

the halloween level is cool and exciting at first but also annoyingly small after the gimmick wears off.

it got really annoying towards the end having to grind for coins by breaking stuff or doing a bunch of races to unlock cars and stuff. its bad padding.

its nice that theres a mission skip option because some of these missions are ridiculous but thats also annoying because then it skips plot stuff (even tho the plot doesnt matter lol) but after Apu’s level i had to start using the games cheat codes to get through the game because it suddenly grinded to a halt and i wasnt making any progress. im happy the cheats were in the game but also theres fun ones that couldve been implemented in as gameplay gimmicks. the resources are there so like why wasnt there a level where homers drunk and you have to race with a ‘drunk vision camera’? lmao or something silly where you use the horn to make the car jump? instead the game just repeats the same types of missions and it gets stale. this didnt need to be a difficult game it only needed to be a funny & fun game.

this game shouldve been cel shaded like ‘the simpsons game’ was.

i just want a sequel to this or just a better non racing only themed open world simpsons game with a bigger map & no loading times & more gameplay variety etc.

Reviewed on Nov 11, 2023
