Pikachu follows you unless you're an evil bastard who doesn't carry Pikachu in your party

Lost count of how many times I beat this, great levels

I beat this somehow I don't know how

blew my brain seeing this on DOS and SNES

When I was 7 this was amazing but I had 0 concept of how to play a fighting game besides 'do cool move'. Awful

Watched someone at a Swim meet play this and it made me get into games outside of DOS. Pretty terrible but far from unplayable

A lot of fond memories trying to figure out how to play this with my cousins, none of us could read Chinese. I came back to it a lot later knowing common Street Fighter/KoF move inputs and that brought a lot of fun to playing it again

One of my first gaming memories. had to cheat to beat it, keyboard i played it on did not have a functioning turn left , fun times