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Baksa reviewed Jisei: The First Case HD
It's only about an hour long and nothing special really but I fw renpy games and this like late 2000s vibe a lot so I moderately enjoyed it. Also, it was neat that the whole game was fully voiced even if the voice acting is a bit shitty, kinda adds to the charm

4 days ago

Baksa finished Jisei: The First Case HD
It's only about an hour long and nothing special really but I fw renpy games and this like late 2000s vibe a lot so I moderately enjoyed it. Also, it was neat that the whole game was fully voiced even if the voice acting is a bit shitty, kinda adds to the charm

4 days ago

4 days ago

junka reviewed Bloons TD 6
for a few days in the past I was playing this game with my classmate trying to achieve the most fucked up setups but none would work because my older pc could only go up to round 200 ish will try to beat that with my rx6700xt + r5 5600x

4 days ago

junka completed Bloons TD 6

4 days ago

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