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Aliens Dark Descent is overall a really good game.

I haven't really played another game like this before. Turn based squad shooters are all too common in this age of gaming, but Dark Descent switches it up by putting us in real time combat. It's one of the few games I've played that can usher in a true sense of panic when you realize that you may lose a soldier, or even a whole squad because of one bad move.

The soldier classes offer a fair bit of variety, while not making you feel like you're missing out if you lack a class on a deployment. The game offers you upgrades for each class through rank ups, but they are the same class upgrades for every character of that class. This is not a game where you can branch out your builds and have some variety, which is okay. If we're all being honest we would just pick the meta anyway and roll with that.

Lastly, the story is just okay. It's good enough to keep you interested through your time playing the game, but it's not something that's going to bring you back to the game just to experience it again. To keep it spoiler free I won't delve in too much, but the human involvement in the antagonistic side is interesting. I saw a lot of people dogging on that part of it, and i don't think it warrants that. The game has to have more depth than just fighting aliens. The alien exclusive conflict is good for a 2 hour movie, not a video game that stretches 20 hours plus.

Again, overall it's a good game and I encourage people to play it. It's a refreshing experience in modern gaming. It's not triple A, but that's more and more becoming a plus, not a negative.