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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 27, 2023

First played

December 15, 2023

Platforms Played


This version is better than the 6th gen version, but it still sucks. The goals are still largely bad and unfun (though they're not as bad as the 6th gen ones), balance meters are still weird and inconsistent, AND the controls still feel bad compared to old TH games. This version comes with a bail system and goals that also just kind of sucks and feels awful to control for goals, it's sort of like a prototype of what Skate would go on to include but it's so floaty and unwieldy that the bail goals are just kind of miserable.

Overall a pretty atrocious entry into the series. The levels are alright and I sort of like the vibe of game, but that's about all of the positive feelings I have. The goals in general just kind of suck and aren't really fun, some of them just don't make sense (like wallriding posters to earn money for an annoying mascot's dance lessons) and others are just really long and specific which makes them kind of a pain in the ass. The characters exist I guess, none of them are really remarkable or leave an impression (or a good impression, at least). Character creation is more limited than ever. The cutscenes look bizarre, maybe it's just the Xbox version but they look like someone filmed the video playing on a monitor. The story, like the characters, just kind of exists, it's not really engaging or interesting in any way, it rivals THUG 2 in quality. The game really likes wasting your time as well, starting or quitting goals takes forever, even if you quit a goal you have to wait for a failure screen to pop up before you actually quit. The "nail the trick" goals are extremely drawn out due to the nature of them, sometimes resetting during one can leave you staring at the screen for 5s straight, bails are also unnecessarily long though that's saved by a fast forward button. Weird design choices as well, there's basically nonstop pop-ups throughout the story, you can hold X to manual for some reason, and someone decided it would be a good idea to have both the manual and rail balance meters stay on the screen simultaneously mid-combo, it's easy enough to adapt to but it was pretty confusing at first. It seems like they were shooting for a return to form of the pre-THUG Tony Hawk games, but they missed the mark pretty wildly.