A very cute little game that I enjoyed quite a lot. However, I found it to be a little too long and padded out for my liking and would have enjoyed it significantly more had they cut down a level or two and made a more dense package. Some other details like seeing the environment sync up to the music is really neat, but most of the environments end up being a bit dull and uninspired, and you can clearly see the game only had so much budget to work with.

And while its not a selling point of the game; the writing and narrative ended up leaving a bad taste in my mouth with the sheer amount of obnoxious references to pop culture. The narrative itself is a bit underwhelming even for the genre's standards and referencing terminator and JoJo back to back only made the experience more groan-worthy.

Would still recommend.

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2023

1 Comment

4 months ago

you're right