Drop the reaper plot.
Make the game entirely about Shephard and friends goofing about in space.
Balance out the loyalty missions a bit more and avoid pandering to fan favorites. (I love Tali but come on, Thane and Samara get the short end of the stick content wise.)
Expand and refine the rpg elements from the previous game as opposed to dropping them completely.

You would've had a much better game.

(It is also worth mentioning that for a human supremacist organization that did a whole bunch of unethical acts in the previous game, Cerberus ended up being boringly sterile in this entry. Its like the writers wanted to include taboo subject matter in their game but were either on a leash or refused to explore to any of their more interesting ideas.)

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2023

1 Comment

4 months ago

your're right