Log Status






Time Played

55h 12m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 29, 2022

First played

October 27, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This was my first deck-builder but not my first rogue-like.

The learning curves go crazy here. I thought I was doing well at first, just to watch a YouTuber here and there and realize it's not too hard to consistently hit the final Boss.
10-15 hours in and I'd gotten a hang of most of the characters. Another 10-15 and I was able to start getting to the final fairly consistently.

I got through a couple ascensions on a few characters before slowly losing motivation for the game as I started to like others. This game is amazing, but I was just looking for something new at the time.

I think I had the most fun with The Defect, but the most success with The Silent.

I'll definitely come back to push for higher ascensions.