It's okay. I feel the best thing it has going is the gimmick of playing as a cat that makes me overlook many of the faults of the game. Otherwise it's just a standard causal exploration game that you beat in a few hours with barely any replayability.

But there's a lot of charm in the mechanics relating to the cat, scratching random doors and floors, rubbing against people and things, throwing stuff off tables and shelves... all the mannerisms of a cat are well portrayed and remind me of things our cat at home does. It manages to add another layer which sets it above all these other games that try so hard to be the next "Journey-like walking sim masterpiece".

Atmosphere is good whether it be the cyberpunk cities or the 'horror' segments, but some areas are really short and in all of them you feel like they had to drop stuff, and you're left with only half the things to explore. There's hardly any sense of closure upon leaving a chapter and the ending kinda half-assedly tries to tie everything in. The story is over sooner than you expect.

There's nothing special about the gameplay, it's generally easy to breeze through but there's some clunkiness in platforming and the level design sometimes has you running into dead ends. But for a game about moving like a cat it also it's disappointing in retrospect that most of the experience is "press A to go to that platform". The defluxor was interesting but dropped halfway through. Again, this game feels like it has a bunch of stuff they had to cut, but maybe it's also because it's so short.

If you don't 100% some area you can restart that chapter from scratch anytime and get it. But it can be a lot of backtracking for just a single memory, because while it keeps the memory, it also undoes any progress in that zone that you don't repeat. So for stuff like the slums where you return later in the story, I had to do a few things I already did the first time around but didn't want to do when repeating the whole chapter. The rewards for getting all of the stuff didn't feel worth it for me.

The autosave is also pretty bad, it saves whenever you do certain actions that advance the story but not all that are necessary may trigger an autosave, or certain item pickups which are not essential to the story don't either, but autosaving is the only way of saving in this game, so you may have to run around a bit after for a story trigger to save sidequest progress.

I liked it, but there's no reason to replay it, and I don't think I will be looking forward to their next game without a cat. All the mechanics are half baked and it was kinda buggy on release as well.

Yet the cat gimmick is nice and rare and makes it worth playing through once. Half of my enjoyment from this game was telling my gf "look I'm a cat" and then doing some cat stuff.

Reviewed on Jul 22, 2022
