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Days in Journal

9 days

Last played

March 2, 2023

First played

October 20, 2022

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Mario + Rabbids. The crossover that nobody asked for but turn out to be a very fun strategy style turn based game.

Mario and Rabbids continues with the strategy style and adds more with new characters like Edge, Rabbid Rosalina, Bowser and the new inclusion of sparks or Rabbid lumas.

Sparks gives Mario and his team different advantages during combat. A spark could increase attack or defenses and have element powers such as fire, water, electricity that enemies could be weak to.

Your teammates all have a different weapon and abilities in battle. Mario has two blasters; Peach has umbrella blaster and Edge fights with a sword. You can choose who you want to bring to battle. you can have just the mushroom kingdom characters or all Rabbids.

A little nitpick is that they got rid of the challenges and ranking. in the first game you get a bronze to gold trophy's on how well you do in battles. Also got rid of couch co-op.

Sparks Of Hope will not be everyone game but how they put a lot of effort and care to it, I hope this series does well and continues to move on the right track. Worth the full price and I look forward to the DLC and bringing back Rayman.