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3 days

Last played

November 10, 2022

First played

November 8, 2022

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Sonic Frontiers. one step forward and hopefully no steps back this time

Sonic Frontiers is the new game for the downward spiral that is the Sonic series. Sonic boom didn't help, and Sonic Forces kept it going. Alot of bad after bad games and now it feels like a breath of fresh air for sonic Although flawed it still has some fun things going in it.

Sonic Frontiers is not like the other sonic games with the mission Act levels but more open world and running around and finding the chaos emeralds. Frontiers also has combat that you fight different enemies to being small to huge bosses called titans. (Insert Attack on Titan theme here)

To Collect the Chaos emeralds, Sonic needs to get gears from enemies to enter a Cyber space level. The Cyber space levels are the least fun, they are too short and feels copy pasted from other sonic games. A big issue with the game is the Camra which will not follow sonic leading to unfair deaths. and sometimes the areas in the open world will force the Camra into a 2D side and can't get out until you do the task.

Sonic Frontiers with its faults still have some good parts in it. The story is ok, Open world is fun and the combat not great can be fun at times. Its Sonic but trying to crawl back into decent games again If you like Sonic to be more open world and running wherever you may want this game. If you like Sonic mission act style, you're going to be disappointed.

(Running around an open green hill zone would be fun)