I do not like this game. To sum it up the experience feels like I am in Groundhog day forced to replay a terribly written prologue to a fantasy RPG but they replace the character each time loop.

The game presents you with eight characters, but none of them are particularly interesting, and they barely interact with each other. They feel like tropes and stereotypes of medieval western characters without much to differentiate them. Writing everything in such a self-contained manner, as if each adventurer has entirely set off on their own, does no favors too. It hinders potential interactions and makes everyone feel even more like blank slates and cardboard cutouts. Not to mention for me personally, there are no interesting themes or overall cohesion to the character’s journeys.

Each plot line also feels so damned terrible, they read like someone put up a board of ideas and started throwing darts blindfolded. And with eight of them, none of the individual plotlines have room to fully develop into an actually unique narrative. But I think the biggest problem of all is the pacing. As said in the beginning, each new character’s story starts generic and cliché, and you have to go through this eight times. This makes it such a drag, a long tedious and arduous drag for people who put a lot of points into narrative in a video game.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
