Damn it, I was ready to give this a 9 because of a few issues I had with how earlier cases felt really rushed towards the end (e.g Recipe for Turnabout) but goddamn if the final case didn't make up for where the game fell behind and then some. Such a goddamn incredible case in the series and easily one of the best (still dunno if it's tied with 2-4 but I'm sure it'll age like wine in my mind and will eventually overtake it as my favorite case in the series). I won't speak any more about the storyy itself but I would like to mention Godot as a prosecutor. His inclusion and his arc is truly phenomenal and easily makes him one of the best Ace Attorney characters if not the best. His arc truly represents the finality of this game and how the last case (and T&T by extension) tie everything together into a very, VERY neat package and yeah, this is an awesome conclusion to the trilogy, AA4 is up next, but I'm sure this one will always be the shining star among all Ace Attorney games.

"The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2022


1 year ago

apparently AAI2 is really good as well so I guess I'll see how that one holds up in due course

1 year ago

In my opinion Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (the two games are very much tied into each other, playing only one is like having it incomplete) is the peak of the series, but this is very very close.

1 year ago

o ya i forgot about DGS