played on switch, technically

might be the funniest game i've ever played line-for-line. the most operatic too. a new twist every hour. feels like this game is to the visual novel what a platinum game is to an action game; that is, pure insane and beautifully chaotic.

where this game really shines for me though are with its characters. i love them all. it's impressive for a game with no voice acting how well it manages to convey personality through a limited range of still animations and expertly crafted dialogue. by the end of the game i was in love with the whole crew and could feel the affection in the room emanating out of my switch. don't want to spend another day without these characters in my life.

can't wait to see where it goes from here but no matter where i'll always have phoenix cross-examining a bird to remember the pure blissful joy that was ace attorney.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2020
