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Hoping Capcom doesn't abandon the very cool melee combat expansions hidden in here. Resident Evil as a series never found a way to make multiplayer anywhere near as memorable as it seemed like it could've been. Maybe they'll try again in the near future. I feel like they'd need to have more focus in the gameplay than just letting two people run around and occasionally turn cranks though. Even if they can't make it "Resident Evil" why not go the other way and embrace the silly, innovative arcade action fully?

The series is known for pathing and inventory and time management, especially rewarding replays, but none of that is present here. There's not even any puzzles in the chapters I've played so far with a friend. I wish they leaned harder into the arcade style if they were gonna swerve that hard away from imo the series' core gameplay themes. Resident Evil 4 Remake's very fun combat hopefully won't be the last we see these ideas implemented. Hell, this is one instance I'd be okay with seeing a series being milked for remakes if they decide to remake each campaign separately somehow. I think there's still so much potential left for the series tbh. Don't think I've ever been so excited about a video game franchise, but I guess I like these games.