Log Status






Time Played

13h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 6, 2024

First played

February 4, 2024

Platforms Played


If you're a die-hard Far Cry fan craving more from the series, Far Cry Primal might scratch that itch, but for others, it might not hit the mark. Unlike its spin-off counterparts like Blood Dragon and New Dawn, Far Cry Primal feels like a step back, especially when sandwiched between Far Cry 4 and Far Cry 5.

The absence of guns in a Far Cry game is a notable departure, and it's felt keenly in the clunky combat mechanics. The reliance on bows and melee weapons leads to a repetitive gameplay loop that lacks the adrenaline rush of gunplay. The combat feels especially cumbersome on console, with a tight field of view exacerbating the confusion in melee encounters.

The open-world checklist formula, a staple of the series since Far Cry 3, continues here without much innovation. The world of Far Cry Primal doesn't offer much in terms of uniqueness or freshness compared to its predecessors. The story and characters also fail to leave a lasting impression, with most feeling flat and unremarkable.

However, Far Cry Primal does have its moments of enjoyment. The creature-taming mechanic adds a layer of excitement as predatory animals become your allies, with later creatures feeling downright overpowered. Watching your sabertooth tiger tear through an outpost is undeniably satisfying.

Technical issues mar the experience, with frequent crashes on the PS5 during fast travel. While progress wasn't lost, the interruptions were frustrating and indicative of potential issues with the game's compatibility with the console's SSD.

In conclusion, Far Cry Primal offers glimpses of primal delight but falls short of the expectations set by its predecessors and spin-off titles. Unless you're particularly drawn to the Stone Age setting or the creature-taming mechanic, it's hard to wholeheartedly recommend Far Cry Primal over other entries in the series.