A fun mash up of Last of Us mixed with Gears of War with some open world antics thrown in. It's a game where you know what you're getting before you even play. And if you aren't into that, you aren't going to find anything new here.

Gameplay: 3.5
Tight gun combat with a fairly intuitive loop. Does get stale and there aren't enough differences between the weaponry beyond damage. Got to be a farily easy challenge on Normal after the first few hours. The Hordes were more tedious than difficult.

Story: 2
Started strong but started to really lose me. Felt like there were pieces of the tale untold between events that constantly had me questioning WTH was going on. Some of the side characters really stick out - especially Rikki - as being very very loveable and real. Others... not so much.

Graphics: 4
Beautiful game on the PS5 running smooth. Would have given it a 5 but there were some really nasty bugs, including a bridge that appeared on my screen but I fell thru the moment I tried to drive over it. Also enemies flying. Humans. Flying. Randomly.

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2021
