wanted to wait until i cleared all of the base game and dlc before making a review, so this covers both of them.

bloodborne was the last souls game that i had left after clearing all of them over the past 6 months or so. maybe my view of this game is tainted by the very high expectations set by others who had played this game early on in their souls game life cycle, so perhaps that has some impact on my view of this game.

i didn't love this game, but i definitely didn't hate it; it's weird. the aesthetic and theme of this game is very unique and i see the appeal. the enemies in this game are absolutely fucking disgusting and it fits perfectly thematically. the combat is certainly unique and the parry aspect is really fucking sick, but doesn't feel as polished as some of the newer games which makes sense given this is nearly a decade old. then again, so are the other souls games, so i'm not sure if that's a valid excuse.

all of these games usually have that point where they click and you're like "ah, that's what everyone means." i really wanted that from bloodborne but it didn't happen until i was essentially done with the game. the base game bosses felt rather underwhelming which was my expectation based on my friends comments; the lows were very low and the "highs" were really only slightly above average.

the dlc was definitely a lot more challenging and rewarding. i now understand the pain of laurence and orphan of kos (what the fuck is that second phase btw), and beating both of them felt like a mammoth task. i really enjoy that and craved that feeling for most of the game. lady maria fight was super enjoyable and just straight up face to face combat which i love. i usually hate big bosses that go off my screen, so perhaps that's why i preferred fights like lady maria and orphan over ludwig and laurence.

it doesn't feel right to shit on this game because i don't think it deserves it at all. it's a good game, i just don't love it as much as everyone else does, and that's okay. i think that in some distant future if the world is lucky enough to get a remaster with 60+ fps and a couple tweaks i'd love to give this another chance.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2024

1 Comment

this is kinda me with elden ring now that I think about it