Blood Knights

Blood Knights

released on Nov 01, 2013

Blood Knights

released on Nov 01, 2013

Confront the superior strength of the enemy and regain the honor after you, the glorious vampire hunter, have been transformed into a vampire. It launches devastating attacks combining your vampire abilities with the powerful attacks of your swords.

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Inconsequential little game but has its charm, something to do with the ugly 7-gen graphics and the bad voice acting which causes a lot of unintentional comedy. It's very short and linear so it doesn't feel like a burden, you can even finish it in one sitting like me.

Weird game, Voice acting was terrible but in a good way. Its a very linear rpg. Quick game and if you have around 3-4 hours to kill you can easily finish this game and the gameplay is very chill. There are a lot of situations where the bad voice acting and exposition dumps lead to a lot of hilarious moments.

I am a firm believer of playing bad games every now and then in order to appreciate smaller details more. Blood Knights is a perfect example of this. I enjoyed my time with the game, but would never recommend it to anyone else. The voice acting is so bad, it's good, the combat is repetitive and unbalanced, the writing is akin to a poor vampire fanfic, and there are a number of technical issues. However, I enjoyed my time with the game. Playing as the ranged lady vampire, being able to just mow down enemies while acquiring new gear was fun enough for an attention grabber during slow times at work. Overall, pretty shit game I had a fun time with. Don't buy this.

Only co-op can save this game, but even co-op can bore you to death

Just looking at the cover brings tears to my eye, this game was a curtain call before the "great depression" in art direction involving the industry's "bigger" budget titles, but I digress...

This one has a lot going on in visual concepts you get cartoonish gore, tits, WoW shoulder pads, boobs, the Price of ethos during hardship, bosoms, and a lot of sarcasm quips, but all in all, it nails the aesthetics if you are looking for something close to Vampirella/blade than Interview with the Vampire (or vampire bloodlines for an industry comparison), the game only last 4,5 hours so you won't feel the stale gameplay too much in the last stretches.

High points for the scene of a vampire crawling on you and vomiting blood in your mouth but moments like that are few and far between for a "hard" recommendation even for blood-sucker lovers.

Sometimes there are games that I just give the benefit of the doubt. Blood Knights seemed to have fast-paced combat with decent graphics and some interesting environments. I was wrong on all of those except one. The game has horrible voice acting, stiff boring combat, terrible platforming, and bad everything else.

There aren’t that many great vampire games because they all end up like this. I honestly don’t even know what this game is about because it’s so boring and monotonous to follow and the voice actors sound like bored high school students reading from textbooks. The combat is so boring and uninteresting. You just mash on the attack button and use your special moves until they cool down and then mash them again. The animations are stiff and cumbersome, switching between characters just makes things more frustrating, and I died so many times from just falling off of cliffs.

If that’s not bad enough there are repetitive and lame objectives like protecting this person until he fixes something, or go flip this switch. I mean really? In 2013 we’re still stuck on these objectives? Not to mention the fact that the checkpoints are spread so far apart that you will die and restart the same section over and over until you tear your hair out. There’s no new twist or interesting plot about vampires, just the typical horror story stuff we’ve seen too many times. At least the game looks half-way decent and there are some nice details in the environments.

You would think that the RPG elements would add some depth but it doesn’t. Sure there’s armor to get, gold to spend, and XP to obtain but you won’t care when you’re trudging through endless amounts of boring enemies. Some co-op would have been nice or some clever puzzles that utilize both characters but instead we just run around flipping switches. At least the game is really short, you can beat it in about 4-5 hours if you pound through it but who would want to?

As it is, Blood Knights is a decent concept that is ruined by horrid gameplay mechanics that feel archaic and unforgiving. What could have been a decent vampire game turned into another potato in the stew?