Death by AI

Death by AI

releases on TBD

Death by AI

releases on TBD

Death by AI is a Jackbox like party game for up to 8 players. You can play on any device!

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It's a quaint little party game where someone writes a deadly scenerio and an AI tries to write how it would kill each person, as everyone tries to write what they'd do in defense to try and survive. It's fun and has roughly the same appeal as a decent jackbox minigame, though I do think the AI can be a bit buggy and very biased. My group had several times where the bot glitched out, skipped players, crashed entirely, the works. Clearly, AI is the future. It also seemed like the game kind of determines who lives and who dies without even putting much thought into either the prompt or what the players write. If the game writes out your prompt and follows it up with a "However," in the next sentence then that's certain death, and it happens a lot. One of the players in my group discovered that the meta for consistently living is to call doraemon and make up some bullshit gadget that he has that can diffuse whatever specific situation you are stuck in. I'm not even joking, using the doraemon strat he swept us for like the entire rest of our play session. I guess the moral of the story is doraemon is the most powerful character in all of fiction, i guess. This shit's built into discord so as long as you are okay with the activity having access to your discord social security number or whatever the fuck those things take from you then it's def worth a play.

este juego es increíble, las respuestas que da a veces dan más miedo que cualquier juego de terror hecho en la tierra de las lolis

This is the first and (perceivably) only good use of generative AI, and yet it still buckled under the spine-crushing weight of... Context cues and punctuation.