

released on Apr 12, 2022


released on Apr 12, 2022

Welcome to EYELAND — a small "wander-around-&-figure-it-out" game by Ron Lent. Made with PULP for the Playdate game device by Panic.

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Un juego muy chiquito, pero al que tampoco se le puede pedir mucho más: a pesar de estar hecho en Pulp estáticamente es muy estimulante, con escenas bastante memorables (el atardecer, los booristas, el momento de la lluvia). A nivel mecánico plantea muchos puzzles de usar y tirar, algunos muy tontorrones (tipo memorizar una secuencia de portales) pero otros verdaderamente ingeniosos (el de cambios de perspectivas). Además se trata de un juego sorprendentemente amable guiando al jugador, cosa que no se suele ver en este tipo de experiencias tan indies.

Una hora muy bien invertida, y con muchas ganas de ver qué es capaz de hacer el desarrollador en su secuela.

Great use of space. The puzzles were engaging but never too hard (I do with they had been trickier at times).

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A sweet little adventure game made in Pulp.
It hits the same strange dream vibe as Earthbound at times and starts to move in some strange directions.
In the end the game is just a strange little dream that inspires a little fella to go on an adventure.

The game never outstays it's welcome, and shows off a handful of decent puzzles.

A short but uniquely beautiful game that is even more impressive knowing the limitations of Pulp. The game rarely re-uses mechanics and there's always something new to experience around the corner. I love these kinds of one-hour short story experiences on Playdate, and wouldn't mind paying a few bucks for them every time. Be aware the game doesn't have saving, but it's easy enough to play in one sitting.