Tempest 2000

Tempest 2000

released on Apr 13, 1994

Tempest 2000

released on Apr 13, 1994

Tempest 2000 is a tube shooter video game. Taking control of the claw-shaped Blaster spacecraft from the original game, the player has to survive and travel across multiple levels until the end in an intergalactic war, battling against a variety of enemies that appear on the playfield.

Also in series

Tempest 4000
Tempest 4000
Tempest 3000
Tempest 3000

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Jogado na coletânea Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story. É fácil perceber porque chamam esse de uma das obras-primas de Jeff Minter. É incrivelmente bonito, gostoso de jogar e eu provavelmente adoraria ver isso num arcade brilhando na minha cara.

Played as part of Atarti 50.

First decent game in ages, fuck. It's pretty alright, although the visuals are overcluttered and the control scheme is definitely worse than arcade. Even controlling this game with a mouse I thought was too much of a compromise to even bother trying to rate the original, so it's a shame that we're stuck with a dpad here, but in comparison to all the other dogshit in the past 10 or 20 so games in this collection I heartily welcome a marginally lesser port of a pretty good arcade game.

If this is the best Jaguar game, though, it's really emblematic of the entire experience. The only shit worth playing is worse ports of 15 year old arcade games, wow. Way to sell a console lmao

Like the Atari Jaguar version, this is a great arcade port and a must have for the Saturn collection as well as the tiny Jaguar collection.

A favorite arcade shooter of mine. I love the tempest series of games.

I'm sure the best way would be to play on its original hardware, but this game is still fun as hell on PC.

From its flashy visual feedback from annihilating enemies to the kickass techno music, this game has everything to keep you playing. It's probably one of the only good Jaguar games, but the console would absolutely capture my attention with this game alone.

The title is Tempest 2000 and yet the game was made in 1994. almost as fraudulent as super mario 64's title