The Fancy Pants Adventures: Classic Pack

The Fancy Pants Adventures: Classic Pack

released on Feb 18, 2024

The Fancy Pants Adventures: Classic Pack

released on Feb 18, 2024

The classic Flash game series, compiled as a complete desktop collection for the first time. Experience the series that set the bar for platforming games throughout the industry! Includes Worlds 1-3 (including the World 1 Remaster + Remix), and Fancy Snowboarding.

Also in series

The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 1 Remaster
The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 1 Remaster
Super Fancy Pants Adventure
Super Fancy Pants Adventure
Fancy Snowboarding
Fancy Snowboarding
The Fancy Pants Adventures
The Fancy Pants Adventures
The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 2
The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 2

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This is my childhood game, so I'm gonna be a bit biased with saying how much I love this game. This game is a flash game getting remastered, I played world 1 and 2 a LOT of times as a kid, so seeing them being purchasable was amazing to help support the devs who helped me enjoy my time as a kid browsing through the web.

Fundamentally as it is, the movement is just a bit sluggish, but the game is getting constantly updated as it is, and World 3 doesn't have 60 FPS support yet, which for some might be a bummer but it is on the way so hopefully by the time anyone sees this it's already out. These are however pretty short experiences if you don't wish to go and 100% the worlds, as they can be completed in a matter of minutes due to the fast paced nature of the game, if you feel like that's a deal breaker to you then I wouldn't get it, but mainly due to nostalgia and the love I have for these games I'd recommend getting them from my side, to help support the devs and to just enjoy the series I played as a kid.

I'm ecstatic that these games are finally playable off of steam now, And they play very very well! I'd totally be down to recommend dropping 7-9 dollars on this nowadays!

I only wish for 2 things. 1 is World 3 in 60 FPS, which is something that should be coming eventually, so cool!

The second is wishing the movement was bridged together a lot better. There's the sense of Nostalgia keeping world 1's movement, world 2's movement, and world 3's movement, all bridged together by a hub with world 4's movement, but I wish they were all unified. The modern movement system is so fluid and fun to mess around with that world 1's is just radically inhibiting.

No meu texto do Super Fancy Pants Adventures eu consegui expressar parcialmente como a trilogia incluída nesse pacote é marcante pra mim. Na época, Brad Borne estava sumido, com a promessa da continuação daquele jogo e com esse aqui já anunciado.
Um tempinho depois de eu jogar, ele ressurge das cinzas com lives e vídeos fofos jogando com os filhos, e devlogs dessa coletânea (ele tava esperando eu jogar pra voltar a desenvolver).

Assim que liberada na steam e em promoção, eu fiz a compra desse jogo em early access, coisa que eu nunca tinha feito antes. Ainda não tem nem metade do conteúdo prometido e após jogar vejo que tem bastante coisa a ser corrigida.

O que eu tenho a dizer por enquanto é que se você acha que o Brad merece ser apoiado, vale a pena comprar. É o banho de nostalgia que você tá esperando.
Vamos ver como vai ser acompanhar um jogo em early access pela primeira vez!

(Curiosidade idiota: Em 2022 eu joguei um Fancy Pants, e logo em seguida um Zelda. Agora fiz a mesma coisa só que invertido, e foi sem querer :v)

It's buggy, very clearly in early access (especially World 2) but I'm sure there's gonna be major improvements soon

First impressions:
God I forgot how much I love world 3 and god did I forget how bad the framerate issues are, which they still somehow did not fix here yet. It's still early access though so there's still a lot of time for them to fix it along with the stupid amount of other bugs there are in this version. I really hope I don't end up regretting buying this.