The Legend of Dark Witch Renovation

The Legend of Dark Witch Renovation

released on Nov 14, 2019

The Legend of Dark Witch Renovation

released on Nov 14, 2019

The Legend of Dark Witch is a 2D platform action game. Zizou can learn new attacks by defeating bosses. She will need every one of those attacks if she is going to save the world.

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"Dad, can I make a Touhou fangame?"
"What? Are you gay? Hell no."
"Well what if I add elements from your childhood games?"
"You mean Mega Man and Gradius?"
"... Alright go ahead son."

The Legend of Dark Witch est un action platformer 2D Megaman-like avec une esthétique très moe, où l'on contrôle une déesse nommé Zizou à la recherche de cristaux magique dérobés.

Le jeu se présente d'une façon identique aux Megaman, que ce soit dans ses niveaux ou Boss, avec en plus une barre de puissance similaire aux jeux Gradius. Une formule qui a déjà fait ses preuves, mais avec une difficulté moins pénible que les vieux Megaman qui saura néanmoins proposer un bon challenge en mode normal (bien que certains passage peut se montrer assez frustrant). Le mode facile manque néanmoins beaucoup trop de challenge.

Il est possible de refaire le jeu une nouvelle fois avec un autre personnage mais pour être honnête cette seconde route est un peu superflu hormis les nouvelles interactions, puisque la seconde héroïne propose juste un gameplay moins maniable, avec notamment une portée ridicule.

Pour le reste, on a un DA un peu simpliste mais coloré, un chara design efficace si on aime les styles Moe, un BO sympathique et quelque bonus accessible une fois le jeu finis. Il est néanmoins un peu court, comptez 3 heures pour une seule route, mais d'un côté il ne coute vraiment pas cher non plus.

Pour conclure, The Legend of Dark Witch est un jeu sympathique qui bien que parfois un peu frustrant et un peu simpliste, remplis son rôle de petit jeu . Un parfait encas entre deux gros projets.

شريتها ب أقل من 5 دولارات على اساس انها شبيهة ميقا مان
سوت الشغل بصراحة

The Legend Of Dark Witch Renovation Finished! both in the story of Zizou and Riva, both have different gameplay from each other, the game is a remake of the 3DS game, it was a special 5th anniversary of the franchise with gameplay and visual improvements, abandoning pixel art for hand-drawn sprites, the songs receive new arrangements, all the girls have new art, of course the bosses have new attack moveset, it's a short game, if you play without worrying about the collectibles on average you can complete it in 1 to 2 hours, and what made me have more hours went into making the upgrades, which is very expensive, the first game is very simple, it uses the Megaman formula a lot without getting stuck and it, it's a beautiful and challenging game, the studio is very small, I think it's incredible that it manages to release beautiful and well-animated games , its sequel is even more superior with much more mechanics and stages. This remake is on eshop BR for 29 reais for the content it offers and even having voices dubbed in Japanese was a good investment and of course I've been a fan of the series since the 3DS.

This is NOT a Remake, this is a Port of ther first game.

I can list the only changes that this game has made: The Player, and the bosses have been drawn from hand (but traced from the pixel art), some of the elements from 2 have made it over to this one (metre for using attacks is here, and dying doesn't take everything), and some of the voice actresses have been changed. that's it.

What's unchanged is the backgrounds, the enemies (Put into some filter to make it look hand-drawn), Papelne's attack where she has an afterimage, and the overal engine the game's using. In fact, it seems to run a bit worse on PC for some users?