The Suicide of Rachel Foster

The Suicide of Rachel Foster

released on Feb 19, 2020

The Suicide of Rachel Foster

released on Feb 19, 2020

Coming back to the family Hotel after years, a strong-willed woman finds herself trapped with the ghosts from her past and a cellular telephone as the only way to unveil a terrible truth.

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Gross. Even if you excuse the massive problems with this games story, the gameplay (if you can even call it that) is so banal and lazy it’s insane. It struggles to even be a walking simulator. About 50% of the gameplay is walking, with the other 50% being standing doing nothing while overly long dialogue plays out. Sure, you do sometimes get a dialogue option, but it basically always falls into the category of “option a” and “option a, but slightly different”. It makes no impact on anything.

There’s plenty of good videos that can critique this games story better than I ever could, so I’m not going to bother with that. All I’ll say is that the writer had absolutely no idea about the subjects they were attempting to tackle, and also has zero clue how to write an interesting female character.

Oh boy. Oh dear. Oh god. Alright.

Everything about this game presentation wise is an absolute knockout. The visuals are gorgeous, the sound design is excellent. The voice acting is very strong. The atmosphere in general is wonderful and you feel isolated and trapped, but not alone. Even though you're suppose to be...

I played this twice and the second time, I made sure to look hard at any moment that highlighted why most people hate this game.

I really want to like this game more than I do, but the way it handles its subject material is way too poor. It lacks the impact it's intending and only makes you question what they're even trying to say. The ending in particular is awful.

This is one of those games where the narrative just bogs down this really gorgeous and well put together experience. And it's a shame since it happens all at the end as well.

Just get Edith Finch instead.

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i wish the game was just about the beautiful but creepy hotel setting, the twist is too dark and irving is downright psychopathic for sympathizing with her sister's groomer

interessante, os gráficos ao mesmo tempo q são mto bonitos, não são mto pesados no pc, toda a atmosfera é boa, seja com a trilha sonora ou detalhes no cenário, tudo te deixa bem imerso, o mistério/intriga do jogo é interessante, te deixando curioso para saber oq vai acontecer e qual a história do lugar, msm durante o jogo vc tendo sinais do q vai acontecer no final, ainda sim o twist ate q consegue te pegar de surpresa.

o dialogo é bem mais ou menos, as vezes os personagens so mete umas fala bem frase de efeito e a protagonista é uma absoluta pau no cu, vc n consegue falar uma palavra pra ela sem ela responder de forma rancorosa e desagradavel. vc sempre tem mais de uma resposta pros dialogos, mas é tudo mais do mesmo, independente doq vc escolher, o cara do radio vai responder a mesma coisa, e sempre de um jeito vago ao ponto q vc percebe q os escritores n pensaram multiplas escolhas q afetem o jogo de verdade

bagulho é q a lore do jogo n é mto boa, parece q toda hora os personagens tão glorificando o pai da protagonista, q abuso de uma mina uns 30 anos mais nova, ao mesmo tempo q coloca a culpa de ambas as familias terem desmoronado na vitima, a prota ta sempre botando o pai dela num pedestal e defendendo as memorias dele, isso ate poderia passar como a resposta de alguem q ta tentando esquecer um trauma desses, mas isso acaba parecendo mais q é como os escritores interpretam as coisas.

outro ponto é q o jogo é um walking simulator, toda a história é o maninho do telefone q conta enquanto conversa pelo telefone enquanto vc anda porai, vc n ta ativamente descobrindo ou resolvendo o misterio alem de so andar, ent por isso n tem nenhum tipo de puzzle, investigação mais profunda ou outra mecanica do genero.

alem disso a tela de troca de dia do jogo é longa pra krl, as vezes tu ate pensa q crasho, e o pior é q se tu clicar ou tentar fazer algo durante essa tela tem chance de bugar os dialogo do jogo, outra é q n tem um chapter select, ent se vc quiser pegar todos os achievements dos finais, vc vai ter q ou re-jogar o jogo inteiro, ou baixar save da net, oq eu n diria q é o ideal.

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Setting and sound was really cool and I enjoyed that. That’s about it though. Story was a little frustrating with the plot twist only having two baby hints that could be easily missed. Weird that we did that in the last chapter and didn’t have a real build up to that bit. Also weird we didn’t condemn the creepy father for grooming a 16 year old and then her brother. Feels like the mother being the murderer seemed kind of wild too.

Un Walking Simulator que me entretuvo y estuvo bien, sin tampoco cambiarme la vida.