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in the past

a beautiful gut wrenching story. i wont spoil anything for you, just please play this game.

Oh boy. Oh dear. Oh god. Alright.

Everything about this game presentation wise is an absolute knockout. The visuals are gorgeous, the sound design is excellent. The voice acting is very strong. The atmosphere in general is wonderful and you feel isolated and trapped, but not alone. Even though you're suppose to be...

I played this twice and the second time, I made sure to look hard at any moment that highlighted why most people hate this game.

I really want to like this game more than I do, but the way it handles its subject material is way too poor. It lacks the impact it's intending and only makes you question what they're even trying to say. The ending in particular is awful.

This is one of those games where the narrative just bogs down this really gorgeous and well put together experience. And it's a shame since it happens all at the end as well.

Just get Edith Finch instead.

interessante, os gráficos ao mesmo tempo q são mto bonitos, não são mto pesados no pc, toda a atmosfera é boa, seja com a trilha sonora ou detalhes no cenário, tudo te deixa bem imerso, o mistério/intriga do jogo é interessante, te deixando curioso para saber oq vai acontecer e qual a história do lugar, msm durante o jogo vc tendo sinais do q vai acontecer no final, ainda sim o twist ate q consegue te pegar de surpresa.

o dialogo é bem mais ou menos, as vezes os personagens so mete umas fala bem frase de efeito e a protagonista é uma absoluta pau no cu, vc n consegue falar uma palavra pra ela sem ela responder de forma rancorosa e desagradavel. vc sempre tem mais de uma resposta pros dialogos, mas é tudo mais do mesmo, independente doq vc escolher, o cara do radio vai responder a mesma coisa, e sempre de um jeito vago ao ponto q vc percebe q os escritores n pensaram multiplas escolhas q afetem o jogo de verdade

bagulho é q a lore do jogo n é mto boa, parece q toda hora os personagens tão glorificando o pai da protagonista, q abuso de uma mina uns 30 anos mais nova, ao mesmo tempo q coloca a culpa de ambas as familias terem desmoronado na vitima, a prota ta sempre botando o pai dela num pedestal e defendendo as memorias dele, isso ate poderia passar como a resposta de alguem q ta tentando esquecer um trauma desses, mas isso acaba parecendo mais q é como os escritores interpretam as coisas.

outro ponto é q o jogo é um walking simulator, toda a história é o maninho do telefone q conta enquanto conversa pelo telefone enquanto vc anda porai, vc n ta ativamente descobrindo ou resolvendo o misterio alem de so andar, ent por isso n tem nenhum tipo de puzzle, investigação mais profunda ou outra mecanica do genero.

alem disso a tela de troca de dia do jogo é longa pra krl, as vezes tu ate pensa q crasho, e o pior é q se tu clicar ou tentar fazer algo durante essa tela tem chance de bugar os dialogo do jogo, outra é q n tem um chapter select, ent se vc quiser pegar todos os achievements dos finais, vc vai ter q ou re-jogar o jogo inteiro, ou baixar save da net, oq eu n diria q é o ideal.

Un Walking Simulator que me entretuvo y estuvo bien, sin tampoco cambiarme la vida.

maybe dont try sympathize with pedos.....

weirdly reverent of a pedophile character

Well. I'll start with this, the whole "pedophile apologia" is a poor misinterpretation. Can I understand where those opinions come from? Yea, most definitely, but it's definitely underselling the actual issue here. It's doesn't condone or make direct light of grooming or pedophilia, what it does is fail to account for it properly. It also leans too much into trying to show the sick and twisted main cast under good light, which can seem to push the literal CRIMES they commit directly under the rug, not that they didn't try, but they just failed to make it a point that matters. They also have a running plot threat that tries to ignore the literal point of the game, and really does not need to be present. It's not an apologia piece, but man it really blurs the line, as the topic matter really should be delved into with more care and attention than is shown here, even if I do understand what was trying to be done.

What this really feels like is a half-baked story written by a team who wanted to try a narrative with darker elements, and in some aspects they did well, but in some aspects they just completely missed the mark. Moving on from the obvious subject matter issue, they do successfully make an eerie setting that seems to "hide" things, and that I can compliment them on. The game is a pretty spooky walking sim, but doesn't do much during it's length. It is also riddled with bugs and issues I kept running into as well as contradicting environmental storytelling against the narrative from time to time.

It's a game that on any other day I would probably give a 3, maybe a 3.5 if I'm generous, but there is a misuse of the topic matter here that really does need some addressing moving forward, or at least needs to be handled with a little more care. The issues of the game lack in it's ability to correctly use these topics and still treat them as serious, this feels a little too much like unfinished fanfiction. Either way, it's just fine, but for future works I really want to see these issues fixed, since this doesn't give me confidence in the writer's abilities to handle topics like this.

Also, what the f--k is that ending?

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I knew better than to pick this up, but I didn't listen to my gut. I knew very little about it and the title gave me pause; but I didn't want to judge without playing it. Now I'm here to say you can absolutely judge something exactly right before the experience. Somehow it's even worse than what I imagined. I am begging video game studios to stop writing about traumas they do not know. Or without any nuance. How this ever got published is beyond me.

And to reiterate from my experience with The Medium, you can tell dark stories with horrible events and horrible characters. I am not condemning that. Shit like this happens in real life. You can absolutely talk about it. But when it's so toxic, without discussion about the effect on the victims, and no discussion about why it's harmful, it's dangerous. Not a single voice in this game called out the harmful behavior shown here. It's one thing to have a horrible character do something, but when ALL the characters seem okay with the act, I'm looking at the writers. Because clearly they don't have a problem with the subject.

The ONLY thing that was a positive was exploring the setting, an abandoned hotel. As a typical walking sim, the playable character is painstakingly slow. But it was fun to walk around, even on day one to find hidden secrets. But that's it. Everything else? Pass.

You play as Nicole, who visits her family's hotel after being gone for a decade. She left with her mother when her parents divorced at 16. She is now the owner of the hotel and wants to sell it. First off, she comes off as a horrible...well, bitch. She's combative towards the one other character (Irving), denies her trauma, and essentially a miserable person. She immediately attacks Irving, that speaks with you over a cell phone. He's the exact opposite of her personality. Stumbling over his words, panicky, and constantly apologizes. You know the game isn't going to have outstanding characters or dialogue.

The real sin is the story. The awful, awful shit that did not need to be written or shared with anyone. I will be blatant with my words and that could be a trigger for someone. Please take care of yourself and don't read if you're not able.

I will try to summarize my disgust with the story. Basically, Nicole's parents split because her father had an "affair" with a 16-year-old high school student, Rachel. He was her instructor and he got her pregnant. Soon after, Rachel supposedly threw herself off of a cliff. Nicole's mother found out, took her and left her father and the hotel. The game starts with the mother's note calling Rachel a young woman. How her death destroyed their family. Nothing about the father's infidelity or, let's face it, pedophilia. It was all Rachel's fault the family split.

During the game, Nicole finds disturbing notes written by her father. His writings about how he "loved" Rachel. How she was a light in his life. A man nearing his 50s, talking about a 16-year-old girl. The fact this game is set in Montana is not lost on me. But there is no reason a man should be attracted to a girl 30 years younger than him. A girl still in school and his student no less.

Nicole says NOTHING about this. Not shocked at all the "woman" he had an affair with, was actually a girl her age at the time. In fact, she continues to reminisce about how he was an interesting and intelligent man. A father she very much looked up to. I thought, okay, maybe she's in denial after learning her father is a monster, a pedophile. That would shock me. Nope. Never. Not ONCE does she act disgusted by the fact her father groomed and raped a girl her age.

Instead, she has a memory where she viewed Rachel as "mature and elegant for her age." Excuse me? You were the same age Nicole. A child and a daddy's girl. But somehow this 16 year old is viewed as an adult? Further into the game, Irving talks about her father's and Rachel's "relationship." How her father was a good thing to happen to Rachel. He gave her strength. He guided her. Their love was pure. Fucking excuse me? He follows Nicole's behavior by putting her father onto a pedestal. Saying how her father was unfairly mistreated for their "love." The father, a pedo, is shown as a Christ-like figure. How his intentions was pure, and he suffered after Rachel's death. The entire conversation was all around fucking sick. They both missed this disgusting man, who was never punished for his actions. Rachel was the one that suffered. She was a child and she died because of it!

Later in the game, Nicole finds a horrifying room that her father constructed as a tribute for Rachel. A small room with a small child's bed, a chalkboard with the R-slur written on it, and toys: a rocking horse and toy blocks. There are drawings on the walls in crayon as furniture and windows. Despite Nicole earlier comment about Rachel being mature, she accurately describes this room as a child's room. This language is important because despite what the developers want you believe, Rachel was not a mature young woman. She was a CHILD. You can say Rachel was in a loving relationship with an older man. That she was "mature for her age" and could give consent. Yet here this scene shows me Rachel was, in fact, a child. Again Nicole does not respond to the fact her father was with a child! Always bounces around the fact her father was sick and had a sexual obsession with a child who could not consent.

Not one character with a voice in this game condemns her father and his actions. Not once. Nicole doesn't bring up the age gap or consent. Irving encourages the pedo behavior, saying it was pure love. The father through a recording, says he loved Rachel. The mother paints Rachel as a young woman who destroyed their family. You never hear from Rachel. How she felt, what she was experiencing through this. It's mostly from Nicole and Irving, who were not in this "relationship." The grooming is almost glorified at this point. Never says it's harmful. It's absolutely disgusting.

Then the big reveal. The big mystery. Nicole finds a hidden bloody blanket with Rachel's retainer and has a magical moment of memory and concludes her mother killed Rachel. Beat her to death. Then tossed her body carelessly over that cliff. Somehow made it look like a suicide. Now you found out, not only is your father sick, your mother was a damn murderer.

After all this talk, the game rewards you with one of the worst endings I have ever witnessed. Nicole decides, she better follow her father's and mother's suicide. By forcing you with a step-by-step suicide. You are placed in her car, in a garage, to die. You can stop at the very end; however, the ending with Nicole's suicide is considered the "good" ending because now she's with her family. Yep you die in the end. And it's not the guilt of what happened with Rachel, or finding out about her sick father or mother.

During her suicide, Nicole has a line of "I don't want to die!" as you are literally played to kill her. Then with the largest slap to the face, she says "I'm back home. And I'll stay here forever. When we see each other again, Rachel can come along." Fucking WHAT? Bitch your fathered raped Rachel and your mother murdered her for it. Why the fuck would she want to be with your family in any afterlife?? Are you shitting me right now?

Do not play this game. Do not even try for this short, easy platinum. It is not worth it. None of it is redeemable. There is nothing here but a fantasy of some very sick individuals.

Descobrir o passado tem os seus altos e baixos em The Suicide of Rachel Foster.

Antes de mais, vamos abordar o elefante na sala - o jogo apresenta uma narrativa bastante centrada em temas sensíveis como o suicídio e a pedofilia, o que pode afastar aqueles que não se sentem confortáveis a lidar com esses assuntos. Se és uma dessas pessoas, talvez seja melhor passares ao lado deste aqui.

O que inicialmente me atraiu para o jogo foi a sua semelhança com obras como The Shining e a jogabilidade fortemente inspirada em títulos como Firewatch e Gone Home, explorando também o género de mistério e terror. Começando pelo que é claramente o ponto mais forte do jogo, todo o ambiente em que se desenrola, composto principalmente pelo cenário, o design de som e a interpretação vocal, está muito bem conseguido, evocando sensações de tensão, vulnerabilidade e medo ao longo das 3/4 horas de história. O foco está no terror psicológico, criando a sensação de que não estamos sozinhos no hotel, e é notável o facto de não recorrer a jumpscares para causar sustos.

No entanto, a narrativa, apesar de começar de maneira impactante, acaba por perder o interesse e prolonga-se mais do que deveria. A estrutura e a forma como é complementada pela jogabilidade tornam-se entediantes, com momentos, como aquecer uma lata de feijões no micro-ondas, que parecem ser mais filler do que contribuições relevantes (eu juro que fiquei super perdido neste momento porque o jogo faz questão de nos fazer esperar uns 2 ou 3 minutos para que os feijões aqueçam). Até mesmo o plot twist final não consegue salvar este ponto, pois é demasiado óbvio.

Quanto aos temas sensíveis, a sua abordagem não foi a melhor. O tratamento do suicídio parece demasiado leve, e algumas decisões, especialmente em relação ao final do jogo, são questionáveis. O jogo não esconde que a sua história não é feliz, mas a forma como lida com este assunto, especialmente numa altura em que a saúde mental é tão discutida, pareceu-me inadequada. A abordagem do tema da pedofilia é especialmente problemática, já que transmite a sensação de que não é algo condenável.

Em última análise, The Suicide of Rachel Foster tinha um grande potencial e, relembro, possui uma ambientação fantástica. No entanto, perde pontos em vários aspetos, tornando-se memorável mais pela polémica e abordagem controversa do que pela qualidade. Honestamente, não me conquistou, o que é uma pena, já que geralmente estes tipos de jogos prendem-me mais.

Got this one on a sale and going into it I didn't have big expectations so I ended up being pleasantly surprised by it. It's a walking sim, but what makes it interesting is the mystery the game presents very well, kept me interested from start to finish.

Next time think better when creating a pedo.

everyone who didn't like this game because of the plot has the point of view of a pig and can't fucking look up

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so this was great for the most part. i love a game that's eerie and frightening with no actual threat. the end is a pisser tho it made me upset because i also feel like it wasnt clear what my choices were?? poopy kinda

Coming back to the family hotel after years, a young woman named Nicole finds herself trapped with the ghosts from her past and an old cellular telephone as the only way to unveil a terrible truth. The Suicide of Rachel Foster is an atmospheric walking simulator game with great storytelling where it manages to treat extremely delicate issues with tact.

The storytelling had good pacing and moved forward steadily at the start, but near the end it got really rushed and felt like they just wanted the game to be over with as fast as possible. The game was very straightforward with what it wanted you to do when playing, and it didn't really reward a lot of exploration. There were a few bugs that forced me to reload a save and loose some progress in the game, but other than that I didn't find any issues in the gameplay.

The soundtrack was good and the voice acting was pretty good as well. The small sounds of the abandoned hotel also were really good and made it a little bit spooky to play through. All these things really added to the immersion in my opinion and kept me engaged to the story the whole time.

Taking all of these into consideration, and the fact that the game was quite short to play through, I can recommend this game, but definitely not at the full price. The full price is way too much for a game that is so short and feels rushed towards the end. Otherwise a great game and something you should play.

erm... is that really what this game is about???

Gross. Even if you excuse the massive problems with this games story, the gameplay (if you can even call it that) is so banal and lazy it’s insane. It struggles to even be a walking simulator. About 50% of the gameplay is walking, with the other 50% being standing doing nothing while overly long dialogue plays out. Sure, you do sometimes get a dialogue option, but it basically always falls into the category of “option a” and “option a, but slightly different”. It makes no impact on anything.

There’s plenty of good videos that can critique this games story better than I ever could, so I’m not going to bother with that. All I’ll say is that the writer had absolutely no idea about the subjects they were attempting to tackle, and also has zero clue how to write an interesting female character.

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i wish the game was just about the beautiful but creepy hotel setting, the twist is too dark and irving is downright psychopathic for sympathizing with her sister's groomer

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Setting and sound was really cool and I enjoyed that. That’s about it though. Story was a little frustrating with the plot twist only having two baby hints that could be easily missed. Weird that we did that in the last chapter and didn’t have a real build up to that bit. Also weird we didn’t condemn the creepy father for grooming a 16 year old and then her brother. Feels like the mother being the murderer seemed kind of wild too.

Quando joguei esse jogo fiquei surpreso pela ambientação muito bem feita, gráficos além do que se espera de um jogo indie de terror psicológico.

O ponto alto do game é a narrativa te manter imerso naquele ambiente e seus personagens, um mistério que desde o início do jogo me manteve bem curioso sobre o desenrolar da história, o lado negativo infelizmente fica pela gameplay as vezes se distancia com algumas orientações e HUD bem complicadas.

Os temas sensíveis do jogo podem ser bem nocivos pra algumas pessoas, o tema principal do suicídio é tratada bem superficialmente, isso inclusive não tirou meu interesse ou senti que faltou algo , e entrando na crítica de ter ou não apologia da pedofilia, eu não senti em nenhum momento, sendo assim a história se desenrolou normalmente, entre seus altos e baixos, seu final infelizmente é super previsível.

This game is VERY suspicious when you start thinking about what the story is saying, so I will just assume that it was written by an extremely bad writer who doesn't try to justify grooming.

Nice hotel though.

good hotel exploration game
hotel looks cool
big fan of the hotel
hoping the devs remove the pedophilia sympathy and re-release it as "check out this cool hotel"

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The hotel is one hell of a place to explore, with so much interpretable history and personality. I got really scared, despite the fact that there was no mention of this being a horror game anywhere, but it doesn't matter because that fear was hella motivating. That all being said, they really butchered that ending. Nicole had absolutely no reason staying behind, or trying to reconnect with her dead parents at all. YOUR FATHER WAS A RAPIST AND YOUR MOTHER WAS A MURDERER NICKY! GO HOME!

Also the game's bugs were incredibly frustrating. A walking sim shouldn't fuck up a cutscene making you replay 30 minutes of story over again. This happened twice.

Went back to revisit this near Halloween after wondering if I'd mis-interpreted it. I hadn't; it's grim for reasons pertaining to let's call it... character motivation.

Plot is near nonsensical when you pause to think about it and it seems to be on the fence about whether paranormal is real, until very abruptly deciding it is.

The Shining is one of my favourite films and this draws a lot of inspiration from it; but then does almost nothing with it, using it entirely as a setting when there's other things that could be done. The reason I mention this is I wish the directions it took had been different.

The game-feel is there, but the narrative choices are misguided.

Give this one a miss.

great, great atmosphere and hotel exploring and that's all it does good. i don't care about how great a game can be, i don't want to learn about abuse and grooming if not by the perspective of the victim. no one have anything to say that interests me more than how this affected the girl that was groomed. dont try to justify how a pedophile is a good person, tell me about rachel! how was she like? what were her dreams? i dont care about your father, nicole, tell me about rachel!!

i left the game knowing more about a groomer than about rachel and i hate the feeling that the writter wanted me to forget that she is a victim. shes the only character that don't have anything to say about her own abuse and death. she is a voiceless victim, a name used as a badly written plot device and nothing more.

walking sim suspense mystery type where you dig into the truth of why a girl died, really effective at making me want to know what the hell is going on, not sure I like the ending but not sure I dislike it either, either way blissfully short! very much in the gone home style of exploring a single but dense space to unravel the mystery, which is something that I like a lot so yay

what the fuck is nicole's problem... like calm down queen

Watched a video essay about this game, and it left me in such shock at how terrible the writing is, I had to log it on here. This is literal pedophile apologia disguised as a walking sim. (

This game has some VERY good psychological horror. There is not a single jumpscare in this game that felt unfair, unnecessary, or unreasonable. I was shaking in my boots the whole time playing.

People really seem to misunderstand the story. It doesn't in any way glorify pedophilia, however, it does showcase how emotionally distraught the daughter of someone like that could be and how painful of an experience it is to witness. Showcasing hard topics like that should be okay and shouldn't be shunned.

tudo isso porque o leonard é um pedófilo de merda

a game about the "beautiful" love story between a 50 year old and a 16 year old, do not play this game