The Terminator

The Terminator

released on May 01, 1992

The Terminator

released on May 01, 1992

This side scroller was based on the 1984 science fiction blockbuster of the same name. Just like the movie, you assume the role of Kyle Reese, a traveller from the future who returns to modern-day L.A. to protect the life of Sarah Conner - the beautiful woman who holds the key to the survival of the human race. Your mission: Outwit and outmaneuver a brutal killing machine known as the Terminator. He's big, he's bad and he's virtually unstoppable - let's hope you're smarter! Featuring 10 huge main levels pumped up with hardcore weaponry and heavy-hitting adversaries.

Also in series

The Terminator: Rampage
The Terminator: Rampage
The Terminator 2029
The Terminator 2029
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
The Terminator
The Terminator

Released on


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it's good to play for a laugh with a mate

Stupid, stupid game. The first level alone requires such a precise run that you're forced to escape with literally milliseconds remaining. There are only four levels present, but they're filled with constantly respawning Terminators, punks, and policemen to impeded your progress. The final factory level is incomprehensible, with a teleporting T-800 pushing you all over the place. I want to love this game as it looks great, with fantastic sprite animation, but it's just nonsense.

I didn't exactly expect to beat Probe Software's The Terminator in an hour but here we are. Legendary game designer David Perry worked as a programmer on this game, and in a 2003 interview, he described it as a disaster. After playing the game, I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree. The Terminator on Sega Genesis possibly has one of the worst opening levels in any game I've ever played, consisting largely of a single, linear hallway filled with terminators that you mindlessly grind through with explosives that have an incredibly obnoxious-to-use arc. Once you're through with that endlessly frustrating level, you're treated to three more incredibly short levels with monotonous, mindless gameplay, one of the most useless jumps I've seen in a platformer, and a complete lack of challenge. Seriously, most of the levels just consist of walking to the right and blowing enemies away, which sounds like any other game on a surface level, but believe me when I say there's quite literally nothing else to do aside from occasionally climbing a ladder. Sometimes you'll think the jump might be useful to get over a crouching enemy, but you'll instead be stun locked into a death trap, so don't even bother. It's barebones, cheap, and rushed out in time for the release of Terminator 2.

If anything, the presentation isn't half bad. The game does an acceptable job of filling players in on the film's story within its short length, obviously being abridged heavily but capturing the main beats. The game was praised for its graphics and sound back in the day and I can see why. While I think the character sprites look awfully rudimentary for the Genesis and that many of the environments look a bit bland, it's difficult to deny that the backgrounds often have good color coordination and decent shading. I'm a big fan of the game's sound engine, with the punchy drums and futuristic Genesis sound, but the actual musical compositions are fairly repetitive and leave a lot to be desired.

I don't know why I keep playing these licensed Terminator games hoping to find a diamond in the rough. Out of the five I've played, only Resistance was enjoyable, and Terminator for Genesis does not break that trend. With its monotonous gameplay, badly tuned difficulty balancing, and frankly lack of fun, it's a difficult experience to recommend to anyone, let alone Terminator fans. Visuals and audio are average-to-decent, but they can't make up for how the game plays.

Joguei a melhor e mais completa versão que no caso é a de Sega CD

É um shooter plataformer que segue os acontecimentos do filme de forma resumida

Diferente das outras, essa versão aqui tem muito mais fases e conteúdo extra

Os controles felizmente são precisos, é satisfatório pular e atirar nesse game, uma pena você não conseguir mirar na diagonal pra baixo, isso realmente faz falta.

Os gráficos são até que bonitos mas poderiam ser melhores

Não tive nenhum problema com o level design apenas nas últimas duas fases com as esteiras que são levemente bugadas.

A soundtrack sem sombra de dúvidas é o ponto alto de jogo, é muito boa, tive vontade de jogar apenas por conta dela, magnífica.

De novidade também temos cenas do filme a cada fase passada, naquela qualidade asquerosa toda mastigada, e pra piorar é todo escuro, um desafio tentar entender o que está acontecendokkk mas é um asset legal.

A dificuldade é ok, o jogo é até que bem divertido porém as últimas 2 fases são muito punitivas, haja paciência

O jogo tem em média uns 50 minutos porém passei uns 15 só nas últimas duas fases

Recomendo que só jogue se tiver visto o filme porque no final você precisar imitar uma cena, tenho certeza que muita gente ficou presa ali (eu não lembrava então sim eu fiqueikkk)

É um jogo ok, a soundtrack carrega isso nas costas, fazia tempo que ouvia uma soundtrack tão boa.

The Sega CD version of this is so great with a kick-ass soundtrack.