Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom

Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom

released on Apr 09, 2024

Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom

released on Apr 09, 2024

Make full use of your advanced move-set to navigate hand-crafted retro worlds without a jump button in this vibrant love letter to the N64 era of collectathons!

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Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom é um jogo que caiu em minhas mãos por acaso, e fiquei feliz de o ter conhecido. Com uma jogabilidade atípica divertida de dominar e um mundo surreal e carismático, certamente é uma das surpresas do ano. Se você busca um excelente jogo de plataforma com uma proposta única e nostálgica, está recomendadíssimo!

Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom is a game that fell into my hands by chance, and I'm glad to have discovered it. With a fun and unusual gameplay that's enjoyable to master and a surreal and charismatic world, it is definitely one of the surprises of the year. If you're looking for an excellent platformer with a unique and nostalgic concept, it comes highly recommended!

This is absolute peak. It's like mario and crazy taxi's schizo incest baby in the best possible way. The movement is completely broken and jank as all hell, but the game knows and the game uses it to it's advantage. You only have two moves, and neither of them are jump. You have to think of everything as a ramp, even some things that definitely should not be ramped off of.
Every collectable has it's own unique platforming challenge to obtain, but the level design and the move set lend to experimentation and trying to find new ways to break the game to get to a gear. Pretty much every gear I found could be collected in weird unorthodox ways that didn't seem intended by the puzzle designs, but that's why I love this game so much. If I didn't have 150 new games from the summer sale to blaze through I think I'd keep playing this until I dropped dead, and I'm definitely coming back for the 100%.

This game has more vehicular manslaughter than Grand Theft Auto

I've heard the argument that Steam's algorithms usually ensure that the good games float to the top amid the slurry of garbage. But this game is proof positive that it's no guarantee.

Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom is one of the best games of the year and the best 3D platformer I've played since Super Mario Odyssey. Its core movement mechanics are polished to a mirror's shine, the levels are wild, varied, and fun, and the game is incredibly charming.

Fundamentally, this is a 3D platforming collectathon where you play as a little taxi that can steer, go forward, reverse, and dash. There is no obvious jump button so a lot of the game's challenge is learning to identify and utilize the environment as ramps to elevate yourself. Additionally, there are a bunch of hidden mechanics that are slowly explained as the game progresses and those add a lot of depth to traversal. It channels the speedy madness and aesthetics of Sonic along with the movement abilities of Mario.

Gameplay is incredibly polished, having a very clear ramp in difficulty and not hitting any point where it crosses into being absurd. The levels each have a unique aesthetic and element at play that makes traversing them a bit different and there are secrets and goodies stashed everywhere.

The game is also surprisingly funny. Its immediate parodying of real-life people and famous media gives way to just silly and absurd moments with stuff like stupid, yet funny dialogue from your mentor, Morio, and gags like a lawyer character you will see EVERYWHERE.

The game is also pretty meaty in terms of content with a strong, varied batch of levels, a ton of collectibles to find, and some pretty cool endgame challenges (along with time trials and a recently added spoof of Crazy Taxi). In all, it'll take about 12 hours to complete and I think that's a perfect time for a game like this. It feels like it squeezes everything it can out of itself and ends just when I'm ready to wrap up.

In terms of critiques, I'd say there are three minor ones. First, because of the ways in which you just need to gather a certain number of gears to proceed to the next level, there are points where the game's pacing can get weird with the player having multiple levels to choose when there's a clear difficulty ramp. It just feels a bit lacking in structure in these moments, but the player still has the choice to do as they please. If anything, having a clear challenge to pursue in each level would probably help mitigate this. Second, when getting into the endgame and focusing on collecting the rest of the gears and golden bunnies, there are points where you can spend ages scouring a level because there's no hint system for tracking down the remaining collectables. I would search thoroughly with no results and, at a certain point, I would just turn to guides for help. A hint system for pointing the player in the right direction would be helpful and ensure the player doesn't have their flow disrupted. Third, a couple moments in levels are somewhat rough, like having to dodge lasers in the dream world, stealthing around the Tosla building, and reaching the final boss.

However, these are extremely minor complaints when talking about a game of this caliber. It takes the anarchic energy of Pizza Tower and infuses it into a stylish, funny, polished 3D platformer that is fully capable of standing up alongside the best of the best.

Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom pretends like it doesn't have a care in the world but the effort, refinement, and sheer, youthful energy on display give away the fact that this is a game made by extremely talented people who care a lot about their work. It's yet another example of indie devs demonstrating that you don't need bottomless resources to deliver modern classics.

Highest recommend FFO: Pizza Tower, 3D platformers, collectathons, Sonic The Hedgehog, games about just being a little guy

as radically progressive as katamari

A fun 3D Platformer with an excellent unique aesthetic and great unconventional controls. Not much else I can say but this game is a goated sleeper hit. 100% recommend