Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3: Kowareyuku Machi to Kanojo no Uta

Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3: Kowareyuku Machi to Kanojo no Uta

released on Apr 23, 2009
by Irem

Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3: Kowareyuku Machi to Kanojo no Uta

released on Apr 23, 2009
by Irem

Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3: Kowareyuku Machi to Kanojo no Uta is the third game in the Zettai Zetsumei Toshi series. Players can choose to play as a boy (Naoki Kosaka) or a girl (Rina Makimura), both of whom start the game trapped in a bus an underground tunnel after a large earthquake. The two player characters have slightly different attributes, which affect gameplay: Naoki is physically strong and self-confident, but becomes stressed more easily, while Rina is physically weak but has a calmer personality, which causes her stress levels to rise more slowly. The thirst and body temperature meter has been replaced by a stress meter. The meter rises after engaging in angry conversations and witnessing/experiencing various traumatic incidents. The player can choose from several responses during conversations, allowing them to choose how to behave towards fellow survivors. These responses allow the player to control the character's personality, and also have occasional effects on the character, such as lowering or raising their stress levels. High stress will affect the character's movements, causing them to have trouble walking. 2-4 players can play cooperatively via ad hoc connection, unlike the first two games, which were only single player.

Also in series

Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories
Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories
Raw Danger!
Raw Danger!
Disaster Report
Disaster Report

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Having only the prior experience of playing the latest title of this franchise and having watched a little bit of the first two, I approached Disaster Report 3 with enough confidence to think I would enjoy the journey from start to finish. And I surely did. Disaster Report is a video game series that has something especial that it is definitely not for everyone. While I didn't enjoy this as much as the fourth entry primarily for the sacrifices they had to make to translate this into the Playstation Portable, it still offers enough pros to be considered a very good product to me. Clearly this time you shouldn't be expecting much depth in the story, animations or so but the character of Saki has the potential to create some cute and memorable moments that you may be remember in the future like if this were some kind of anime movie. I wouldn't hate a remake of this, because what it mostly lack is artistic design. Don't get me wrong, graphics have their charm but there is not much intention on the presentation putting aside videos. It's like there was a concept, a nice idea, but they just couldn't execute it properly or something like that.

Story is kind of a mixed bag where sometimes is okay and some other times is just not as goofy as it should. Because Disaster Report talks about the implications of being in the middle of a natural disaster, from the human perspective, but it also loves to be absurd most of the time to the point you can't even ignore it and that contrast between both takes is what really makes this series unique. It is precisely because they are in the middle of a disaster that you can expect completely stupid situations because the characters are, well, human beings, and that was something Disaster Report 4 managed to perfect and I think that was very clever of the developers. Here though, the majority of those situations are caused by the player for answering silly things or just being completely rude to the other characters of the pack. Because you have a lot of things you can say and be a dick, a nice person or even find romance. The choice is up to you. That won't change the majority of the main story but it is nice to have such a wide range of silly dialogue options that adds spice to your game and you can get different endings depending on if you've been actively pursuing certain flags during the adventure.

Gameplay wise it's not subtle at all. You have a stress bar that will be getting bigger and bigger, eating up your health bar. That's an interesting mechanic for a setting like this until you see it really doesn't matter at all. Stress fills up too quick and you may find items or do especific actions to lower it but the second happen during the story and not at any time you want. Also if you lower stress you have to refill HP with another item but there are not many of those. Instead there are many more that do both things at the same time and you have save point benches literally everywhere where you can sit and get rid of all your stress just by sighing before saving your game. And you do that automatically after sitting down. There are very little moments where stress does matter and when it does, it really doesn't because it will never fill up all your health. It just means you'll have less maximum HP and you have to be more careful in danger situations. That's all. And you really don't need to be especially careful in this game. Just mind your step sometimes and if your screen shakes, crouch momentarily. Beside that, you should be running all the time because walking is too slow. There are almost no depth in this system and this is consecuence of being launched in a handheld platform. It's clearly made for quick game sessions so they had to make some concessions and that probably did hurt these systems. Aside that, it still has its charm in the little things like when you say something warm in a difficult moment it releases your stress a little bit for example. It's rough and I mostly blame the handheld gaming style for it.

It's a difficult game to judge and not for everybody but if you're minimally interested in the concept, have played any of the other in the series or just want to play something very unique, I recommend you to check a look at Disaster Report 3.

esse tal de Disaster Report 3 é uma bagunça. digo, todo jogo da série é meio q uma bagunça, mas esse é especial.

é o jogo com o menor valor de produção da franquia, rodando em um hardware extremamente limitado. mas ao mesmo tempo é um tanto q ambicioso, com um voice cast de relativo alto calibre e músicas originais bonitinhas e melodramáticas q são tocadas sempre quando há uma brechinha. isso se estende até o dramalhão maluco e com tom altamente inconsistente envolvendo lavagem de dinheiro, corrupção, conspiração, conflitos familiares, abuso e suicídio q se passa pela trama desse jogo.

tudo aqui traz essa sensação de ambição n realizada, o q meio q faz sentido, considerando q a Irem eventualmente chegou perto da falência e decidiu seguir com a famosa rota do pachinko. fico feliz q os desenvolvedores conseguiram seguir com suas ambições em City Shrouded in Shadow e Disaster Report 4, e um desses eu posso garantir q é uma experiência bem melhor q esse joguinho de PSP aqui.

mas isso n quer dizer q ir atrás do ótimo english patch desse jogo n vale a pena. é curtinho, agradável e bem melhor q muito shovelware lançado pro PSP. meio q gostei bastante.

Le moins bon de la licence, en attendant de faire le quatrième opus.

On retrouve le même principe et les mêmes mécaniques que les versions console de salon, c'est à dire survivre dans une ville japonaise qui vient de subir une catastrophe type tremblement de terre tout en trouvant des ressources, rencontrer d'autres personnages et les aider (ou pas), sachant que nos choix déterminent la fin et certaines situations dans le jeu. Dans les faits c'est cool mais dans la pratique, c'est compliqué.

La difficulté est mal calibré avec des passages Die & Retry à faire péter un câble à cause de la caméra mal foutu et des sauts à faire au pixel près. L'histoire est cette fois vraiment à dormir debout avec des twists wtf et les choix de romances ajoutés pour cet épisode ne servent à pas grand chose au final, même si les réponses et les réactions sont assez drôles. Surtout, mais quel est le putain d'intérêt de foutre des vêtements et des chapeaux à looter tous les 20m bordel??? Ca apporte zéro bonus de stats, c'est juste pour faire le kéké éventuellement en coop je sais pas. Du coup, ca annihile toute tentative d'immersion et les quelques rares autres objets qu'on peut ramasser servent à regagner de la vie ou faire baisser la barre de stress mais le jeu est pensé principalement de manière à se faire tuer en un seul coup donc ça sert à rien. Il y a aussi une partie craft mais j'en ai eu zéro besoin. Ah et techniquement, c'est rude avec des grosses chutes de perf genre 15fps max.

You can Matrix Dodge a bullet which nobody acknowledges

A good natural disaster simulator that is severely held back by the limitations of the hardware, along with an atmosphere lacking from previous entries in the series.