Reviews from

in the past

fnaf 3 is ass. it's ass and it's boring, and it's unintuitive and its completely based on rng. fnaf 2, at it's core, was about reaction time and learning how to work under pressure. in the later nights there was certainly the argument to be made(and i agree) that it relied heavily on rng to win, based on how many withereds appear and if you keep getting fucked by so much before you can wind the music box... but not like this....

i know nothing of fnaf 3's gameplay loop. i mean, you have to keep springtrap away and reboot systems, yeah, but like... there never felt like a way to win. it felt entirely luck based. i cant fucking tell where springtrap is on about 75% of the cams because of SO MUCH FUCKING STATIC AND EVERYTHING BEING GREEN. like seriously, i cant fucking tell where he is unless he's in a position his eye shows up. so im just randomly shooting off audio lures hoping he gets to 8, 9, or 10 where i actually can tell where he is. hell i cant even look at the fucking cams most of the time, because all of that time is spent rebooting. so you finally get done rebooting all your systems after like 20 seconds, and hes fucking gone. 5 seconds after that he just peeks into your office. guess im dead. OR... the "winning" strat, where you're lucky enough that he hangs out in cam 10 for hours at a time... until its 5am , he disappears and you scramble sending off random audio lures hoping to get saved by 6am. thats it. thats the winning strat. get lucky and get him in cam 10 or somehow avoid him without knowing where he is, like i did for many nights. so i never learned the systems, i dont get any of the gameplay loop.

another thing is this game needs negative fucking sound to be played. fnaf 1/2 sound wasnt a big deal either, but at the very least you had to listen for mangle or the ambience and the vent sounds. here, i was so bored that i just blared the tartarus theme and won fine. your nights are so boring, btw. either he kills you at 1am with the most lukewarm scare or youre stuck watching him get trapped in one cam for the rest of the night and rebooting when necessary. its the antithesis of fnaf 2 where there was so much to keep track of all at once, theres like nothing to keep track of now, because you either cant tell where he is or hes stuck in the same cam.

lets talk about phantom animatronics. theyr're basically nonexistent for me on my winning runs, yet more proof the winning strat is entirely luck based. when they do show up theyre a nuisance/annoyance, full stop. not like the withered when they became frustrating as i got better, but instead theyve always been an annoying thing to deal with since night 2. anyway, I LOVE THE REBOOTING DOWNTIME. STAYING ON ONE SCREEN FOR A MINUTE AT A TIME IS THE GAMEPLAY LOOP I LOVE IN FNAF!!! IM NOT BORED AT ALL!!

night 5, on the other hand, seems to be the antithesis of 1-4. i beat those fairly easily, but night 5 took me hours. and not in the way fnaf 2's night 6 did. fnaf 2 was 80 percent skill and reaction time. but on most runs, even the ones where i blare music, i get to either 5am or he kills me at 1/2. theres no inbetween, honestly. it was the only night where i actually felt the need to learn the gameplay systems because getting 20 seconds away from victory, randomly, 3 times, is not the same as actual victory once. so i somewhat learned that sound does kinda matter but only for this night. it's weird. even if you didnt use sound you could just give mr afton a staring contest and it would work lol. im not sure if it was stockholm, but i did somewhat enjoy learning these systems for night 5.

that being said, it's not as if the other 4 needed them. night 1 has nothing at all lol. and even then, it was still entirely luck based. on my penultimate run of winning night 5 he killed me at 1 am again. so it's not like it's my problem like in fnaf 2, where i consistently got stuck at 3am because i didnt have solid enough reaction time, no it was just 100% rng on my winning runs for each night. sometimes i die at 5 am. sometimes 2 am... and that really fucking sucks, much like the game. if i used the number 5, it would likely be scored as such, but its gonna sit at 4.

i will not be attempting night 6 in this game.