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in the past

fnaf 3 is ass. it's ass and it's boring, and it's unintuitive and its completely based on rng. fnaf 2, at it's core, was about reaction time and learning how to work under pressure. in the later nights there was certainly the argument to be made(and i agree) that it relied heavily on rng to win, based on how many withereds appear and if you keep getting fucked by so much before you can wind the music box... but not like this....

i know nothing of fnaf 3's gameplay loop. i mean, you have to keep springtrap away and reboot systems, yeah, but like... there never felt like a way to win. it felt entirely luck based. i cant fucking tell where springtrap is on about 75% of the cams because of SO MUCH FUCKING STATIC AND EVERYTHING BEING GREEN. like seriously, i cant fucking tell where he is unless he's in a position his eye shows up. so im just randomly shooting off audio lures hoping he gets to 8, 9, or 10 where i actually can tell where he is. hell i cant even look at the fucking cams most of the time, because all of that time is spent rebooting. so you finally get done rebooting all your systems after like 20 seconds, and hes fucking gone. 5 seconds after that he just peeks into your office. guess im dead. OR... the "winning" strat, where you're lucky enough that he hangs out in cam 10 for hours at a time... until its 5am , he disappears and you scramble sending off random audio lures hoping to get saved by 6am. thats it. thats the winning strat. get lucky and get him in cam 10 or somehow avoid him without knowing where he is, like i did for many nights. so i never learned the systems, i dont get any of the gameplay loop.

another thing is this game needs negative fucking sound to be played. fnaf 1/2 sound wasnt a big deal either, but at the very least you had to listen for mangle or the ambience and the vent sounds. here, i was so bored that i just blared the tartarus theme and won fine. your nights are so boring, btw. either he kills you at 1am with the most lukewarm scare or youre stuck watching him get trapped in one cam for the rest of the night and rebooting when necessary. its the antithesis of fnaf 2 where there was so much to keep track of all at once, theres like nothing to keep track of now, because you either cant tell where he is or hes stuck in the same cam.

lets talk about phantom animatronics. theyr're basically nonexistent for me on my winning runs, yet more proof the winning strat is entirely luck based. when they do show up theyre a nuisance/annoyance, full stop. not like the withered when they became frustrating as i got better, but instead theyve always been an annoying thing to deal with since night 2. anyway, I LOVE THE REBOOTING DOWNTIME. STAYING ON ONE SCREEN FOR A MINUTE AT A TIME IS THE GAMEPLAY LOOP I LOVE IN FNAF!!! IM NOT BORED AT ALL!!

night 5, on the other hand, seems to be the antithesis of 1-4. i beat those fairly easily, but night 5 took me hours. and not in the way fnaf 2's night 6 did. fnaf 2 was 80 percent skill and reaction time. but on most runs, even the ones where i blare music, i get to either 5am or he kills me at 1/2. theres no inbetween, honestly. it was the only night where i actually felt the need to learn the gameplay systems because getting 20 seconds away from victory, randomly, 3 times, is not the same as actual victory once. so i somewhat learned that sound does kinda matter but only for this night. it's weird. even if you didnt use sound you could just give mr afton a staring contest and it would work lol. im not sure if it was stockholm, but i did somewhat enjoy learning these systems for night 5.

that being said, it's not as if the other 4 needed them. night 1 has nothing at all lol. and even then, it was still entirely luck based. on my penultimate run of winning night 5 he killed me at 1 am again. so it's not like it's my problem like in fnaf 2, where i consistently got stuck at 3am because i didnt have solid enough reaction time, no it was just 100% rng on my winning runs for each night. sometimes i die at 5 am. sometimes 2 am... and that really fucking sucks, much like the game. if i used the number 5, it would likely be scored as such, but its gonna sit at 4.

i will not be attempting night 6 in this game.

I already knew I hated this one for a multitude of reasons, but I figured it was short and easy enough to just speed through and maybe have some fun recording it.

Anyway, to the point, good lord, this game is so remarkably nothing. To not say anything about the first night, which is quite literally nothing, FNaF3 has a singular game plan from night 2 onwards. There is no threat you should ever come across aside from Springtrap himself, and even if you do, none of them function any differently from one another. When you're not begrudgingly moving to the left side of the screen to fix whatever went wrong this time, you're sitting on one camera and pressing the audio button every time Afton moves away. Rinse, repeat, five times over.
The AI in 3 ranges from light speed movement through rooms and vents, killing you at 2AM, to 'I literally watched him crawl into the same locked vent four times in the span of 20 seconds. On night 5.' I just find it really difficult to take this thing seriously, there's nothing to fear with this one.
And I think that's the biggest problem. There is nothing to fear. Springtrap will make his presence obnoxiously known through loud ambience once he's close enough, will peek his little head in through the door when he's about to strike, and then gives you a feeble cat hiss once he finally makes it in. Every scare in this game uses the same weak noise, dampened a hell of a lot more by the fact that it's all telegraphed for a solid 3 seconds at least. The only thing that can come close would be Phantom Foxy, who will randomly (I assume?? I still haven't figured everything out about him) appear in the office off to the side, but will still just awkwardly stand there as long as you don't scroll far enough. Foxy is legitimately good thinking from a gameplay perspective, players will scramble to the other monitor to fix an error, and he's there to catch you for moving too sporadically. He's cool! I saw him a total of once.

The best thing Five Nights at Freddy's 3 had to offer was lore. Cool story, doesn't change the fact that I'm snoozin'. 4/10 game.

FNAF 3 HATERS TOO WEAK TO LIVE !!! didnt take me but 30 minutes to realize this is easily my favorite of the original trilogy...tho in a way im not sure i would appreciate it so much without being able to understand its beautiful opposing mirror view of fnaf 2. im kinda sad this idea of One Animatronic doesnt rly seem to be revisited anywhere else in the series...where in fnaf 2 it basically doesnt matter where an enemy is unless theyre already in or right by your office, fnaf 3 demands Total Deliberacy, internalizing the ever-quickening pace of springtraps movement as well as the spaces he's moving thru are essential (im sure even more so in the post-night 5 challenges, which i am also eager to return to sometime). the effect created then is a hard-earned hyper-satisfying Total Intimacy...with springtrap, with the layout of rooms and vents, with the various tics of the phantomtronics. this is prob at least part of the game's lesser reputation, its not very Lets Playable...difficult to follow if yr not the one playing, not much immediate spectacle or instant visable feedback, and generally Weird To Learn! but the friction is totally worth it imo, gameplay-wise this is easily the most compelling set of rules so far to me, not so much a Loop as the previous games (tho u can try to make it a loop!), more ab slightly longer-term decisions. i mentioned the swing between Power and Powerlessness fnaf 1 managed with its cameras, and thats Even More Pronounced here with the difference between Knowing Where Springtrap Is and Not Knowing Where Springtrap is...a wonderful eb and flow of panicked searching and careful decision making.

attempting to sorta Psychologically Compartmentalize these games thinking ab them As They Were On Release, knowing this was supposed to be the last one rly paints like a whole different picture of the series...more Arch Urban Legend then convoluted lore, and a rly cool little trilogy that establishes its broad formula and then iterates on it in two opposite directions. in that way this totally feels appropriately climactic to me, not just cuz i Love It A Lot tho that helps, but because it brings such a sense of symmetry to the series. its not quite perfect perhaps...the phantoms have to be some of the least interesting design variations in the series ofc dhsjhfs. but overall yea my fave so far and an Industrial Classic of video game aesthetics, including in its play! i aint gonna try to justify that u just gotta feel it!

é fácil o pior jogo da franquia (pelo menos dos que eu joguei, vai saber se os novos não conseguem ser ainda piores)
com um cenário ainda menor para tu observar, tendo apenas uma ameaça real: o lendário springtrap. Ele pode até ter uma lore interessante (e ele não tem, mas crianças de 5 anos insistem que é profunda) mas ter que se preocupar com apenas um animatronic torna a experiência ainda mais maçante

talvez os melhores minigames no quesito de lore da série, mas de resto é bem meh

It's starting to occur to me that I might be a weenie. The avid FNAF fans, whom I might add are much younger than me, regard this one as NOT that scary. Look, whenever the yellow thing moved I smashed escape like it was the Mfing Like Button.

I also have so far liked this series quite a bit! I know a lot of backloggd are Too Cool For School to like Five Nights Freddy, but I am a big fan of this crap. I still absolutely fucking love Phone Guy's cheerful company man persona even while he is describing some truly grisly stuff, like a springlock failure suit and that you should go bleed out in a different room if it happens.

Really, if you have ever worked a shitty service job before, this series really hits different. Like I said, this could almost be mistaken as a left-leaning series if we knew the guy who made it wasn't donating 100,000 dollars to right-wing politicans who want to kill homeless people for being an eyesore next to McDonald's.

Speaking of eyesores, this Springtrap fella! Yikes! Seen better days! Scared the crap out of me, he is much more of a predator than the last 2 games' animatronics, and the way he looks at you through the window...look I really don't get the reputation this game gets as not-scary. The way he just approaches you in the jump scare really seems like he is just going to KILL kill you. Like, beat the piss out of you. None of this shoving you in a vending machine shit, he is going to murder you.

My only real issue is that Scott really lost the plot in regards to the door. Slamming the door in these bastard's faces really feels good, it had such a great sound effect attached to it. I really do think you lose something when you don't have something that works 100% of the time in halting them in their path. The mask was delightful in how it really never felt like a great solution, and the audio cues to lure him away are nice here, but man I think Scott peaked too early in regards to the design of these things. He got it PERFECT from the word go and had to work backwards from there. Although I do think he was onto something by making the cameras in this game REALLY shit, and Springtrap much more careful at hiding in darkness so you lean in closer to the screen. His horror instincts are totally there.

Anyway, I would safely now call myself a fan of these games. I like the creativity on display here, the dedication to slick world-building, and wonderful audio design. Even though the guy who makes these would vote for General Greivous if he ran on the GOP ticket, I still think he can design a cool horror game!

objectively its my favourite fnaf: i love the aesthetic, i love springtrap, i love the minigames. but i physically cannot play it because springtrap is too hard to deal with. he moves too fast and is not visible on cameras and i die way too quick. skill issue i guess. i cannot get past night 2

o corno manso n tem vergonha alguma de dar tp na sua cara o autista acha que é o goku,boring as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

The best Five Nights at Freddy’s game and it isn’t even a debatable topic. The game features the most enjoyable gameplay loop in the entire franchise with easily the most satisfying ending. The murder victims of the purple guy were set free from their eternal Hell of the animatronic suits while the very man who took the lives of the innocent children is left to forever exist between a state of the living and the dead as an ironic punishment for his crimes. Honestly a genius ending and if Five Nights at Freddy’s 4 was the final game, then I’d say the series would be one of the greatest in gaming.

I know a reason the game was heavily disliked when it first released was because of the “weak jumpscares” (Which isn’t where the horror in these games comes from, but whatever), though I would argue the game has the greatest set of jumpscares as getting hit by a ghost animatronic and not immediately hitting a game over causes quite the panic which in turn makes Springtrap's jumpscare all the more great. Speaking of Springtrap, his design is genius. It is what a good horror villain should be. The fact you can’t quickly spot him in the camera makes later nights terrifying as you’re frantically looking between each camera to see where he’s moved so you can lock him out of the office.

The office design is also great. The building makes a lot of sense with each point of entry for Springtrap making sense and no useless spaces that don’t make sense for the design of the building (Something that Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 and Sister Location just fail at for whatever reason). The game requires you to be on your guard at all points which makes potential deaths actually feel like your fault instead of being at 4:00 AM and Toy Bonnie just fucking up your day and allowing the wind up box to reach 10%.

I mean, the game isn’t perfect, but there isn’t much to criticize at a base level. My personal favorite and infinitely better than Five Nights at Freddy’s 2. Wait, you like Five Nights at Freddy’s as well? I just got into these games recently, haha. What’s your name? By the way, I like your TV Girl shirt, do you listen to Deftones?

Rating: B+
Genre(s): Point and click adventure, survival horror

It's quite different from the first two and the game does an absolutely terrible job explaining how anything works. The first two nights went by fast while I was just clicking random buttons trying to understand what this game was. Then I got stuck on night 3 and had to look up what I was supposed to do. I tried playing a few more times after watching tutorials and scouring the wiki, and honestly, I still don't get it. Even when I'm supposed to know what's happening, the game seems very random and not that fun. To its credit, I guess the atmosphere is pretty cool. I'm sure it's decent after some kind of learning curve, but I still decided to just skip this one.

Долбоебский поиск желтой твари по камерам. Эта скотина постоянно прячется в темных углах на камерах и если того захочет, просто тпшается к игроку через венты. Еще плюсом самая нестрашная игра в серии, вот эти вот скримаки не напугают даже годовасика. Единственное что можно похвалить что тут хотя бы мейн механика с камерами работает, а не просто присутствует как в предыдущих частях, ты реально должен искать сучару и когда ты не можешь найти ты присаживаешься на очко. НО даже так игра очень быстро проходится

Springtrap makes me feel things…

Ok In all seriousness I don’t mind this one. Imo I actually like the atmosphere and environments quite a bit. The game goes for the poop level fallout 3 type vibe but damn does it do it well and I really loved the decayed and grimey feel of the game. It’s the type of vibe I really can’t get enough of in horror and i think it fits the feeling of this being the final game (AT THE TIME). I’ll admit I’m still not crazy on the story but I can at least appreciate the ending of this confusing trilogy and I’m happy Scott wrapped things up to finally put an end and to offer a creepy yet satisfying finale……(FOR THE TIME)and springtrap obviously is fucking brilliant. I think him being by himself makes him feel a lot more special and intimidating as he’s the sole scariest enemy in the series both design wise and according to lore. But at the same time it’s still Fnaf and it’s still barely improved from the first 2 and if anything it’s made more annoying with finding mini games and such.

meio merda em gameplay, o jogo é muito facil e acaba n dando tanto medo quanto os outros, então sla, n sou mega fan n

mas lorewise ele é muito bom, meio controverso o fato de ter o melhor design de animatronic da serie inteira, e os phantoms no mesmo jogo tlgd

the worst entry in the entire series (before steel wool took over), this game is all over the place, from its weird obsession with cramming lore into weird to obtain minigames, to its random distain for any color that isn't green, it just feels off, especially when compared to the first 2 games.

the fake "phantom" animatronics are kinda just... whatever? they're just more of a nuisance after the first fakeout jumpscare tricks you. and they feel unfair a lot of the time... springtrap is making his way towards you and you need to fend him off? too bad, you have 2 phantoms to deal with.

also, springtrap literally instant transmissions into your office from almost anywhere with a vent. i understand you can seal them off, but with the aforementioned phantoms, and the fact springtrap apparently beat usain bolts time in the 100m sprint, sealing them off is much more a thing you do before he enters the vents, and not after.

if it wasn't for the neat bow it ties on the (not yet convoluted) lore, this game would probably have 1 less star from me.

what is this where's waldo trash

Night 1 - 1 attempt
Night 2 - 5 attempts
Night 3 - 26 attempts
Night 4 - 41 attempts
Night 5 - 53 attempts
Night 6 - 65 attempts
Total - 191 attempts

Springtrap - 185 deaths

This is like, the only one that's conceptually interesting, and yet, Scott manages to fuck everything up the most right in this one. Kind of frustrating given that it does manage to build a pretty decent atmosphere while also having the single best character that came from this franchise (the minigame sequences are also pretty soulful, even though you can certainly tell that its gimmicks are so unintentionally straightfoward that you just can't help but imagine scott writing them up and thinking to himself "goddamn ain't I clever?". Subtlety is certainly something this franchise is uncapable of providing anyway, but I digress).

Well, if I had to give some props, this one emphasizes the fundamentals of the first game to an extent that makes them actually more worth of paying attention; in Fnaf 2, checking the cameras was a mechanic that was pretty much reduced to just staring at a single room to prevent the puppet from attacking (and very occasionally checking the vents because otherwise, most animatronics you could deal without having to look for the cameras). On this one however you can actually feel the structure of the stablishment that you're in, so springtrap movement's are a lot more logical, and the audioplay mechanic demands you to understand this, you can't just press this anywhere on the map (and given how gloomy and grungy the setting on fnaf3 is, you actually have to put effort on spotting springtrap's location, so despite this game being technically the easiest of the franchise, at the very least it's never obvious).
The presentation is also perhaps the best of all games exactly because it reaches the maximum of it's design theory without just going straight up hokey like everything else that came after (I give fnaf4 a pass considering the fact the nightmare animatronics are just fragments of a dream, so their exageration makes sense, but the rest of the franchise...yeah, you just can't convince me that those things were once meant for a kids restaurant - some of them just look like torture machines no matter in which way you look at it). Plot wise, despite being a tad heavy handed on this department (although sister location would be a lot more in the future), I can't say it doesn't depict the most peculiar aspects of this franchise's lore because it's quite the opposite, this and fnaf 4 have the least convoluted narrative and that on itself gives a lot more credibility.

This is where my compliments end though. Aside from everything, it's still a fnaf game, which means...yeah, it's terrible and boring...but at least a lot more immersive than the rest.

after playing the first and second fnaf you might expect to play the third one and have a really similar experience . well you might be surprised to know that this game has the same premise but got some major differences here and out and they make for a kind of parallel experience that feels true to fnaf but also shits in his mouth a little

i kind of lost track of the lore in the entirety of the series already like the second one I could get behind but this one I dont get it at all like they closed (?) freddys pizzeria due to some kind of drama and they opened an amusement spooky house something ? with pieces of late animatronics around the entirety of the structure you can check the cameras and see like the head of foxy hung to the wall or like the faces of the toy animatronics in your room shit like this and also if you ask me something about the story of the end of chapter minigames where the purple guy kills the animatronics I genuinely have no fucking clue and I also genuinely don't care . like at all thank you and I'm pretty unsure to why they decided to transform the "omg came to life animatronics" trope to "dead children's ghosts infest their bodies" and i honestly cannot keep up with it anymore i so dont care lets just be real the overarching lore is actually pretty interesting idk why theyre adding meat on meat and not doing anything with it

so anyhow this is probably my least favorite out of the bunch here but I guess there's some stuff that I actually enjoy (like 2: springtraps model and the more strategy ish typa gameplay)

as I said the base gameplay is in theory the same youre stuck in a room with an animatronic trying to sneak on you and kill you and you have some technologyyy~ to help you fend off from the fiend but the overall strategy is a bit different

springtrap is the only real threat here and he's sneaky as shit kinda fast and super intelligent he will be hiding from the cameras enter vents as fast as possible and get you in like 10 seconds if you do not know how to defend from yourself

now in theory this is very interesting because it adds a lot of pressure to the games nature and springtrap actually acts decently clever or incredibly stupid most of the times but what should be a wit battle ends up being a one way trip to chaos you won't be able to see this fucker most of the time because he hides from the camera and gets in a weird position you will be able to see either his eyes or his feet basically your systems will go haywire every 3 seconds and when you reboot them you can 100% sure to hear vent noises because hes not stupid and to add to all this shit there's gonna be phantoms spooking you here and there . now again these jumpscares are pretty cheap too and you can predict them due to some cues that will trigger them but the real issue is the fact that they're gonna bust at least one of your systems thats the real problem also in general springtraps jumpscare is so weak he literally walks up to you without any noise and also most of the time you will know when he's coming because you can see him through your window etc

so whatever you have to seal off this bitch avoid phantoms while systems bust and you cannot see anything in the cameras the amount of times I died just because I couldn't find springtrap in the camera view is insane lemme tell you I had to study the camera positions to even barely glimpse at him this game is not real

so anyway what's funny is that people said this is the easiest entry in the franchise but its actually the one I died l the most in

nice premise weird execution springtrap is kinda cute tho I want to get tea with him

Its decent but its probably the weakest FNAF game. I dont like how the phantom jumpscares work but Springtraps mechanics are cool. I just think the game is too repetitive.

gameplay is definitely at its worst in this one. springtrap is really easy to manipulate and despite having one of the coolest and scariest designs in the series has the worst jumpscare i have ever seen. lore and minigames are cool but actually discovering it all yourself without a guide is impossible, especially that bullshit with the tile phone number. for what was supposed to be a conclusion to the series i would say its pretty good and would have satisfied most people

Every fnaf game is honestly insufferable to play, but this is probably the least painful one since the nights are only 6 minutes (which seemingly left a good precedent). Only one so far that didn't feel like a total miserable slog after night 3. The minigames are goated and springtrap looks cool. It does what 2 wanted to do but correctly.

world peace would've been achieved if fnaf ended here

Took a tiny break cause I just got Lies of P, but now I’m back to this

Five Nights at Freddy’s 3, I must say I was hoping on this replay that I would appreciate this game more, I thought it was mid when I first played it back then, but maybe I was just young and dumb, and that’d I’d like it more now………..that is not the case.
Don’t get me wrong there’s a lot of good stuff, but it’s all tied together with some very boring elements that just make this game very eh.

I’ll start with my positives, firstly the lore, I love what this game added to the series in terms of lore, tying a lot of things set up in the previous games together, like the five murdered children being put to rest, or the puppet’s goal of freeing the children, and of course, this game finally brings William Afton into the spotlight, featuring him as the game’s main antagonist.
Speaking of William Afton, Springtrap, easily the best designed animatronic in the series, I love how creepy he looks, all the details like how decayed the suit is and the corpse spread around throughout the suit, it’s a phenomenal design, makes him feel like a true monster, like this is what the five children basically saw him as when he killed them.
This game looks ugly, but it’s definitely intentional, Fazbear’s fright is rundown as shit, and it adds to the atmosphere a lot, the shitty cameras also help build that unease………..if only the rest of the game did that.

Ok now the bad, gameplay is fucking boring, a lot of the scare factor from the previous two games is gone, instead replaced with 8000 phantom jumpscares that are seen so many god damn times throughout the nights, none of the jumpscares are scary especially Springtrap’s one.
I like the ideas this game has, the phantoms are a cool idea and having to keep one animatronic away is neat, but I just don’t think the game capitalizes on it well at all.
The whole reboot system with the ventilation, audio, and cameras is again a neat idea, but just not really used all that well in execution.

Overall this game is a big downgrade from 2, but I do know that there are some good games coming ahead.

Onto FNAF 4

Gameplay wise this is by far the worst one out of the first 3 games. It's not really challenging as there's only 1 animatronic and I could beat the game without knowing exactly how he works, which would basically be impossible for 1 or 2

Besides that the game is pretty cool tho. I like the lore and Springtrap is a cool animatronic, even if his jumpscare sucks. The atmosphere is also pretty spooky but idk, in general this game is the most disappointing one so far

Split this game into two sections. Lore wise this is one of the most important and interesting in the franchise with the good ending and the introduction of springtrap. Gameplay wise its one of the most boring, I think this is when Scott realised that the stationary formula wasn't going to last. The green overlay isn't the best looking and the fact that only 1 animatronic can kill you makes the base game really easy. I don't dislike it as much as other do but it is definitely not one of my favorites

wow Springtrap is such a cool villain i sure do hope they don't milk so much content of him it completely destroys his originality

I... never understood this game, I'm sorry. As most FNAF games do, it relies on jumpscares as the main horror element, but this time around, I was too busy not understanding absolutely anything to feel frightened.