Reviews from

in the past

It is a little crazy to me that this game is better than Hades 1. By all rights, this should have been in the same situation as Silk Song; getting so absolutely devastated by feature creep and endless reworking perfectionism that it ends in a thematically appropriate Sisphusyian purgatory.
but it's 2024 so it's out in early access what the fuck are team cherry doing
It's not exactly a straight upgrade from the original. It doesn't have the same warm heart, the already steep difficulty curve is getting harsher and Dusa isn't even in the game yet. And still, somehow, it's better. Mel is slightly colder than Zag, but her neuroses and anxieties reveal a loving heart damaged by her circumstances. In turn, her lovers are far more standoffish than even Meg at her thorniest - Mel x Eris 4everr, they need to hate fuck in the next patch.
The gameplay is faster, more expressive and more varied. The music is somehow even more instantly iconic than the first. The graphics are beautiful. It has TWO dungeons! Fuck. Fuck. Silk Song is fucked.