Reviews from

in the past

The experience Hellblade gives you is very introspective, its anxiety ridden and powerful but above all its a beautiful one. Knowing only that the game delves into mental health struggles and shining a light onto someone suffering from psychosis, I wanted to finish this before the sequel released and im so glad I did.

Hellblade strengths lie in its storytelling, vague dialogue allowing the player to sort of insert their own experiences into what the game is describing, feelings of loss, trauma, the fear of death and uncertainty its all very strong stuff that the game is able to bundle into its 5~ hour runtime and it never feels rushed or unneeded.

The environments are dreary and bleak, lots of muted colours and dark areas that really hammer in those feelings the game wants you to feel, but as the game describes in its own way, that in those depressing landscapes hold a sort of beauty that once you overcome hurdles you begin to appreciate more and more.

The one thing Hellblade falters in is its use of combat. For bosses I felt like the combat worked, it was weighty and cinematic and failure to parry or dodge, you felt the impact of messing up. The issue then comes in the minor enemy encounters generously sprinkled throughout the game, they suck and got annoying fast. Just having wave after wave of enemies varying in what combination they spawned in was frustrating and slightly took away from some moments proceeding those fights.

Overall the immersive experience Hellblade gives you is immaculate, its messages and portrayals are potent and it leaves you with a sense of melancholy, where you arent sure if things will get better but the experience you were put through has given you insight onto how you could be better.