Reviews from

in the past

What a damn good time.
The writing and story is cheesy/anime as all hell, probably expected with a crossover like this, but it's so entertaining al lthe same that it somehow works. The game in general has a whimsical tone to it that I really dig. The gameplay itself is also quite good, tho it can feel a bit off-putting early on thanks to the lack of stuff like the dodge roll. Also certain bosses and worlds were just a pain in the butt, looking at you Ansem and Atlantica, ugh.
But yeah, this was a treat and I'm glad I finally got to experience it properly.

This is the first time I'm playing a Kingdom Hearts game and naturally I decided to get into this franchise at the beginning.
Unfortunately, this game hasn't aged well, and it shows. The controls are janky, the camera often fails to show enemies, and the vertical view is nonexistent, so if an enemy has the high ground on you, you will never see them. These camera issues frequently result in being hit by off-screen enemies.
The biggest issue by far is the game design. You often have no idea what to do or where to go. Characters hint at directions a few times, but most of the time, the way forward is blocked by a cutscene in an unknown location. You end up exploring every possible location and corner in a room because the game doesn't differentiate between interactable and non-interactable objects. This makes solving puzzles and finding a way forward frustrating.
Platforming is another huge pain point, showing the game's age. It's unclear which platforms are within reach, and the delay in Sora's jump, combined with the poor camera angles, creates a horrible experience while platforming.
That being said, the game has a lot of heart (pun intended). It looks pretty good despite its age, the characters are very likable, and the world is beautiful. The level and boss designs are incredible, offering a variety not often seen even today. The music is incredible, and the world is amazing to get invested in.
The story is incredible, and that's what this game offers more than anything. It's the main reason to consider playing it—the incredible story. The game also has deep mechanics that add to the difficulty, but due to the aforementioned issues, I ended up sticking to the main story. Despite wanting to explore more of the world and its amazing characters, the experience was hindered by the game's flaws.

Tremenda versión del primer juegón del Kingdom Hearts, se agradecen las mejores y que decir sobre este juegazo que lo tiene todo, de los mejores de la saga con diferencia.